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In need of some Object Oriented assistance


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I am writing a webpage for a friend and it involves forums.  I have been working on switching the entire site into object oriented to better organize it (the straight php version was a bit too messy for me)


I have been slowly working through the kinks, but I finally hit a snag that is broad enough to stump google and beyond my knowledge to hash out.  Any help you guys can give will be greatly appreciated!!


I have an overall master class called 'Site'.  it holds the logged in user's session as well as database information.  Here is the code for that.  I am only including the constructor because the other functions are not involved in my current issue.

class Site
        // ====================================== Properties ====================
        public $loggeduser; // User Class
        public $baseurl = '/dellusionary';
        //======================================== Methods =========================
        /* Constructor */
        public function __construct()
            $this->loggeduser = (!isset($_SESSION['userid'])) ? NULL : new User($_SESSION['userid']);


Now, I want to be able to use this "loggeduser" object in my Board class in the forums.  I wish to verify whether the current user has the correct level to view the forum (is staff vs is member).

Here is that class

class Board extends Site
        // ====================================== Properties ====================
        public $board_normaltopics; // array of normal Topics within Board
        public $board_stickytopics; // array of important, stickied Topics within Board
        public $board_subboards; // array of sub-Boards within Board
        public $board_id;
        public $board_category; // Category Class
        public $board_accesslevel;
        public $board_parent; // Board Class or NULL
        public $board_description;
        //======================================== Methods =========================
        /* Constructor */
        public function Board($id)
            // Set Topics
            $topicquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM forum__topic WHERE topicboard = $id ORDER BY topicdate DESC");
            while ($topic = mysql_fetch_array($topicquery))
                $this->board_topics[] = new Topic($topic['topicid']);
            // Set Board Information
            $boardarray = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM forum__board WHERE boardid = $id"));
            $this->board_id = $id;
            $this->board_name = $boardarray['boardname'];
            //$this->board_category = new Category ($boardarray['boardcat']);
            $this->board_accesslevel = $boardarray['boardaccesslevel'];
            $this->board_parent = ($boardarray['boardparent'] == 0) ? NULL : new Board($boardarray['boardparent']);
            $this->board_description = $boardarray['boarddesc'];
        /* Operation Functions */
        public function valid_board()
            $query=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM forum__board WHERE boardid = $this->board_id");
            $num= mysql_num_rows($query);
            if ($num != 0)
                return (($this->board_accesslevel) <= ($this->loggeduser->userlevel));  // LINE 133
                return false;


Again, only included problem functions.  Is this possible?  I keep getting the following error:

Trying to get property of non-object in C:\wamp\www\dellusionary\classes\forum_class.php on line 133

I marked the line above


Thank you!


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You didn't provide the code for your User class, so we don't know what the $this->loggeduser holds.


$this->loggeduser = (!isset($_SESSION['userid'])) ? NULL : new User($_SESSION['userid']);


Here, you are assigning $this->loggeduser to NULL if the $_SESSION['userid'] is unset. So, in that case, $this->loggeduser->userlevel will be undefined (and thus the error you're getting).


What you should do instead is return an empty object with empty values from the User class, or check that userlevel exists first.

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yeah, I thought about the "NULL" thing also, but the top of each page has a check.  If $site->loggeduser = NULL, then it redirects back to the home page.  the page where the error lies shouldn't be visible to viewers who aren't logged in on a session.


here is the code for the Users class

class User extends Site
        // ====================================== Properties ====================
        public $userid; // User's id
        public $username; // User's display name
        public $bio; // User's Profile Bio
        public $userdate; // User's join date
        public $userrank; // User's rank title
        public $userlevel; // User's access level
        public $staffbio; // If user is staff, the bio that displays
        public $template; // User's layout of choice
        public $online; // User's online status
        public $rankid;
        public $sitecash;
        public $realcash;
        public $activepet; // User's active pet, possibly move...
        private $loginname; //User's login
        private $password; // User's password
        //======================================== Methods =========================
        public function User($id)
            $this->userid = $id;
            $userinfo = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE userid = '$id'"));
            $this->username = $userinfo['displayname'];
            $this->bio = $userinfo['userbio'];
            $this->userdate = date("F j, Y", strtotime($userinfo['joindate']));
            $this->template = $userinfo['template'];
            $this->sitecash = $userinfo['bits'];
            $this->realcash = $userinfo['bobs'];
            $this->activepet = $userinfo['activepet'];
            $this->online = ($userinfo['online'] == 1);
            $this->rankid = $userinfo['rank'];
            $rankinfo = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ranks WHERE rankid = '".$userinfo['rank']."'"));
            $this->userrank = $rankinfo['ranktitle'];
            $this->userlevel = $rankinfo['ranklevel'];
            $this->staffbio = $userinfo['staffbio'];


I will try the construct thing! see if it works... I was between using it and the function call, it makes sense that it would be the better option.  I have never seen the parent::construct call though, that is very good to know!



The parent::__construct(); did the trick!!!!!!  Thank you sooo much!!!  On to different errors now =D  I will still go back and change all of the constructors though, since it seems to be better programming practice.  Awesome!

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