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Some Advise On Editing This Code Please....


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I have a very basic shopping cart that takes its information from a database and displays the products.


I am trying to edit this code so that when a customer buys a certain item, the basket then gives them some more products that are related to what they are purchasing.




The products are currently taken from these feilds:


Car_Make, Model, Car_ID, Prod_Type, Priority section, Prod_Model, Prod_Make, Product_Desc, Prod_Model, Prod_ExVat, Post_ID, Link image_name, Image_Van


an example row of data, inserted into the database would be:

all, not specific, def, VR, NA, HD1, AR, HEAVY DUTY System HD1, HD1, 258.4, NA, NA, NA, NA,



and I have now added the extra fields here:


Prod_Model_EX1, Product_Desc_EX1, Prod_ExVat_EX1


and the data in that row is:

HD1-RM3, 3mm Ribbed Matting for HD1, 14.4


So basically, when a customer buys an "HD1" and it appears in the basket, I would like another row to appear offering the "HD1-RM3" with a quantity box next to it...


Any help here would be much appreciated!




Basket Code:



//session_start ();
//include header code
// use the user_connection include file's connectDB function
echo "<p>Unable To Connect To Database</p>";

if (isset ($_GET['src']))
$_SESSION['returnTo'] = $_GET['src'];
// assign variables
//echo "ref1:" . $HTTP_REFERER . "<br>";
//$temp = (string)$HTTP_REFERER;
//$urlref2 = substr($temp,0,6);
//echo "ref:" . $urlref;

if(isset($_GET)) {
foreach($_GET as $get_clean) {
 $key = key($_GET);
 $_GET[''.$key.''] = trim(htmlentities(strip_tags($_GET[''.$key.''])));
$urlref = $HTTP_REFERER;
$prodID = $_GET['productID'];
$delete = $_GET ['delete'];
$quantity = $_GET['quantity'];
$updateQuantity = $_GET['updateQuantity'];
$update = $_GET ['update'];
$currency = "£";
// maximum querys per user basket
// start the html table


// check if user has no cookie set
if ($userID == "")
					 <table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
						 <tr class="stdtable" align="center">
						 <td colspan="6">No Product Querys made yet </td>
//if the updated quantity is 0 or blank remove item from basket
if ($updateQuantity == '0'){
$delete = 'yes';
if (($update == 'yes')&& ($updateQuantity == '')){
$delete = 'yes';
// if delete parameter set to yes run the delete code
if ($delete == 'yes')
// if prodID is set, delete that specific product from this userID's basket
if ($prodID != "")
$sqlquery = "DELETE FROM basket WHERE userID = '" . $userID . "' AND productID = '" . $prodID . "'";
$result = mysql_query($sqlquery);
if ($result)
					 <p>  </p>
					 <table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="0">
						 <tr class="stdtable" align="center">
						 <td width="564" colspan="6"><font size="5" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>Item

							 Deleted. Click <a href="hdbasket.php"><font color="#990000">Here</font></a> to refresh the basket </strong></font></td>
					 <table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
						 <tr class="stdtable" align="center">
						 <td width="368" colspan="6">Unable To Delete <br />
							 Item Click <a href="hdbasket.php">Here</a> to refresh

							 the basket </td>
// close the wykes database connection
//update the shopping basket quantity
if ($update == 'yes')
// if prodID is set, delete that specific product from this userID's basket
if ($prodID != "")
$sqlquery = "UPDATE basket SET quantity = '" . $updateQuantity . "' WHERE productID = '" . $prodID . "'AND userID = '" . $userID . "'";
$result = mysql_query($sqlquery);
if ($result)
					 <table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
						 <tr class="stdtable" align="center">
						 <td colspan="6">Your basket has been updated</td>
					 <table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
						 <tr class="stdtable" align="center">
						 <td colspan="6">Your basket has NOT been updated</td>
// close the wykes database connection
// find the number of rows in this userID's basket
$sqlquery = "SELECT * FROM basket WHERE userID = '" . $userID . "'";
$result = mysql_query($sqlquery);
if (!$result)
echo "<p><font class=error>Could not find any entrys for this Basket</small></p>";
$rowCount = mysql_num_rows($result);
// if prodID is set new product is passed in, add/update the userID's basket
if ($prodID != "")
// find if the prodID already exists in this userID's basket
$sqlquery = "SELECT * FROM basket WHERE userID = '" . $userID . "' AND productID = '" . $prodID . "'";
$result = mysql_query($sqlquery);
$rowCount = mysql_num_rows($result);
// if no matches insert the product into the userID's basket
if ($rowCount == 0)
// find number of items in basket
$sqlquery = "SELECT * FROM basket WHERE userID = '" . $userID . "'";
$result = mysql_query($sqlquery);
$rowCount = mysql_num_rows($result);
// check if the maxquery's has been reached
if ($rowCount > ($MAXBASKETQUERY - 1))
echo ("<p><font class=error>Only $MAXBASKETQUERY overall orders are allowed, your product could not be added to basket</font></p>");
$expiretime = time() + 7200;
$sqlquery = "INSERT INTO basket" . $basketFields . "VALUES ('" . $prodID . "', '1', '" .$userID . "', '" . $expiretime . "')";
$result = mysql_query($sqlquery);
if (!$result)
echo "<font class=error><p>Could not add item to Basket</p></font>";
// select the userID's basket query and the Product Reference relating to each of the basket's productID's
$sqlquery = "SELECT products.Prod_REF, basket.productID, basket.quantity, products.Prod_Make, products.Prod_Model, products.Prod_Type, products.Car_Make, products.Car_Model, products.Price_ExVat, products.Post_ID, Product_Desc FROM basket INNER JOIN products ON basket.productID = products.Prod_ID WHERE ((basket.userID) = '" . $userID . "')";
$result = mysql_query($sqlquery);
$rowCount = mysql_num_rows($result);
// echo $sqlquery; // *debug
// assign the table headers
//$dbFields = array( "Reference", "Product Query");
// check if no entries in basket
if (!$result || (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)){
					 <table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
						 <tr class="stdtable" align="center">
						 <td colspan="6" class="error">No Product Queries

							 In Basket. </td>
//*************display contents of basket//////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// echo each header from array
//foreach ($dbFields as $headIndex)
// echo an extra blank header for the delete item column
// fetch each row as an associative array
$counter = 1;
$price = 0;
//set default postage value outside loop
$postagerate = 10.00;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
//decide which postage value is the highest and use that to calculate overall price
//get the postage values for each product
$sqlpostquery = "SELECT * FROM postage WHERE Post_ID = '" . htmlspecialchars($row['Post_ID']) . "'";
//get the postage values from the database
$postresult = mysql_query($sqlpostquery);
$rowpost = mysql_fetch_assoc($postresult);
// check if postage value was available
if ($postresult || !(mysql_num_rows($postresult) == 0))
 $rawpostage = htmlspecialchars($rowpost['Post_Cost']) ? htmlspecialchars($rowpost['Post_Cost']) : 0.00;
 //get the lowest postage rate.
 if ($postagerate > $rawpostage)
 $postagerate = $rawpostage;
 $postagerage = 0.00;
//round postage rate of 2 decimal places
$postagerate = $postagerate;
//release the postage resultset array
echo "<form action=hdbasket.php method=get name=form".$counter.">
 <input name=update type=hidden value=yes>
 <input name=productID type=hidden value=". $row['productID'] ."><tr class=stdtable>";
echo("<td align=center> " . htmlspecialchars($row['Car_Model']) . "</td>");
echo("<td align=center> " . htmlspecialchars($row['Prod_REF']) . "</td>");
echo("<td align=left>" . htmlspecialchars($row['Product_Desc']) . "</td>");
//echo("<td align=center>". htmlspecialchars($row['Prod_REF']) ."</td>");
// for the final column echo an hyperlink to delete the product entry
//settype($row["Price_ExVat"], "integer");
echo "<td align=center><input name=updateQuantity onchange=submit(); type=text size=2 value=". htmlspecialchars($row['quantity'])."></td><td align=center>". $currency . number_format(htmlspecialchars($row['Price_ExVat']), 2) ."</td><td align=center>". $currency . number_format(calcVAT($row["Price_ExVat"]), 2) ."</td><td align=center>". $currency . number_format((calcVAT (htmlspecialchars($row['Price_ExVat'] * $row['quantity']))), 2) ."</td>";
echo "<td align=center><a href=\"hdbasket.php?delete=yes&productID=" . $row['productID'] . "\"><img src=images/remove.gif border=0></a></td>";
echo "</tr></form>";
$counter ++;
//get a cumulative value of the price as items are added to the basket and multiply by quantity as we go.
$price = $price + (calcVAT (htmlspecialchars($row['Price_ExVat']))) * htmlspecialchars($row['quantity']);
//assign subtotal and round to 2 decimal places
$subtotal = $price;
$total = $subtotal + $postagerate;
//pick overall postage type
if ($postagerate == 5)
$postage = 3;
else if ($postagerate == 9)
$postage = 2;
else if ($postagerate == 10)
$postage = 1;
//update shopper table with new/changed info
$sqlshopper = "SELECT * FROM shopper WHERE User_ID = '" . $userID . "'";
//echo "query: " . $sqlshopper;
$result = mysql_query($sqlshopper);
$rowCount2 = mysql_num_rows($result);
//add shopper
if ($rowCount2 == 0)
 $sqladd = "INSERT INTO shopper" . $shopperFields . "VALUES ('" . $userID . "', '" . $total . "', '" . $postage . "')";
 //echo "noshopper: " . $sqladd;
 $shopadd = mysql_query($sqladd);
 if (!$shopadd)
 echo "<font class=error><p>Your basket has not been processed</p></font>";
 //update details
 $sqlupdate = "UPDATE shopper SET Basket_total = '" . $total . "', Postage = '" . $postage . "' WHERE user_ID = '" . $userID . "'";
 //echo "shopper: " . $sqlupdate;
 $shopupdate = mysql_query($sqlupdate);
 if (!$shopupdate)
 echo "<font class=error><p>Your basket has not been updated</p></font>";
// finish table
				 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
					 <td width="69%"><div align="right">
					 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
						 <td width="90%"><div align="right">
							 <input type="image" name="update" src="images/update2.gif" />
						 <td width="10%"><div align="right"></div></td>
					 <a href="http://www.roof-rack.co.uk/checkout.php"><img src="images/proceed.gif" alt="CLICK HERE TO SUPPLY PAYMENT AND SHIPPING INFORMATION" width="212" height="39" border="0" /></a> </div></td>
					 <td width="31%"><table width="161" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#FFFFFF">
					 <tr bordercolor="#FFFFFF">
						 <td width="55%" height="25" align="right" bgcolor="#EBEBEB" class="small"><font color="#000000"><strong>SUB

						 <td width="45%" height="25" align="center" bgcolor="#EBEBEB" class="header"><?php
 echo $currency;
 echo number_format($subtotal, 2);
					 <tr bordercolor="#FFFFFF">
						 <td height="25" align="right" class="small"><font color="#000000">POSTAGE</font></td>
						 <td height="25" align="center" class="header"><?php
 echo $currency;
 echo number_format($postagerate, 2);
					 <tr bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#EAEADB">
						 <td height="25" align="right" class="small"><font color="#000000"><strong>TOTAL</strong></font></td>
						 <td height="25" align="center" class="header"><?php
 echo $currency;
 echo number_format($total, 2);

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Thats maybe a little more advanced than I need.


I just need it to display an extra product when the original is selected.




When Part Number "HD1" is purchased, the line "HD1-RM3" will be displayed underneath....





I've attached a screen grab of the database to see if it helps with explaining....

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Maybe another way I could do this...?


The code for the buy button is below.


Could this be adjusted so that two "$strProd_REF" can be selected?


That way, I could just add another line to the database with the option in it?


** Clutching at straws here...! **

//the folowing lines contain the code that should be used with each link that you want to create change the values of $strProd_REF $strCar_ID as you need to
//--------------'LINK CODE'---------------------
$strProd_REF = "HD1";
$strCar_ID = "def";
$sqlSelect = "SELECT Prod_ID FROM products WHERE Prod_REF = '" . $strProd_REF . "' AND Car_ID = '" . $strCar_ID . "'
// assign the basic sqlquery
$sqlquery = $sqlSelect;
//get the result set
$result = mysql_query($sqlquery);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
 echo "<a href=\"basket.php?src=".urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])."&productID=" . $row["Prod_ID"] . "\"><img src=2003/buy.gif width=68 height=17 border=0></a>";
//end make while
$row = "";
//--------------'END LINK CODE'---------------------

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