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Passing Variable From Mysql Query To Function


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I am having a strange problem...


I am running a MySQL query, and trying to pass two values from the result to a function..... it doesn't work.... it seems the variable values are not getting passed... however, if I substitute for a test variable it all works....


Below is the code.


$challengerresult2 = mysql_query("SELECT * from challenge where challenge_id = $challengeid AND status = 'completed'");
 $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($challengerresult2);
 while($row = mysql_fetch_array($challengerresult2)){
 $winnerid = $row['winner_team_id'];
 $loserid = $row['loser_team_id'];
 $winnergoals = $row['winner_num_goals'];
 $losergoals= $row['loser_num_goals'];
 $challengeteamid = $row['challenger_team_id'];
 $opponentteamid= $row['opponent_team_id'];

 mail ("[email="martyn@staggan.com"]xxxx[/email]", "RESULT", $winnergoals);

 $testvar1 = 8;
 $testvar2 = 10;

 $KO->setResByMatch( $gamenumber, $getresultsloop, $testvar1, $testvar2); // Arguments: match index, round index, score 1, score 2.


Using testvars my function works, but if I use $winnergoals and $losergoals it doesn't. However, emailing the $winnergoals var to myself I get the right value..


Any ideas, I have been pulling my hair out with this



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This is the code I am trying to use:



$challengerresult2 = mysql_query("SELECT * from challenge where challenge_id = $challengeid AND status = 'completed'");
 $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($challengerresult2);
 while($row = mysql_fetch_array($challengerresult2)){
 $winnerid = $row['winner_team_id'];
 $loserid = $row['oppomemt_team_id'];
 $winnergoals = $row['winner_num_goals'];
 $losergoals= $row['loser_num_goals'];
 $challengeteamid = $row['challenger_team_id'];
 $opponentteamid= $row['opponent_team_id'];

 $KO->setResByMatch( $gamenumber, $getresultsloop, $winnergoals, $losergoals); // Arguments: match index, round index, score 1, score 2.



This is the function being called


   public function setResByMatch($m, $r, $s1, $s2)
    /* Sets a match result by specifying match number and round number. */

    // Test if input is valid.
    if (!$this->isMatchCreated($m, $r) ||											   // Valid round and match?
	    $this->bracket[$r][$m]['s1'] == -1 || $this->bracket[$r][$m]['s2'] == -1 ||	 // Are competitors "ready"/exist?
	    !is_int($s1) || !is_int($s2) || $s1 < 0 || $s2 < 0 || $s1 == $s2) {			 // Valid scores?
	    return false;

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OK, so $winnergoals / $losergoals are not getting passed, and I have echoed those out and emailed them to myself and they do contain number values


I am using select statement to get the number of goals for each team in the tournament


Actually $num_rows was used, it's not now....


I tried mysql_fetch_array and it was not working... I tried assoc because of the resource ID I was getting... and it does give me the values I want... but I am not saying I am doing it correctly...


So, $winnergoals / $losergoals should be passed to setResByMatch as the 3rd and 4th parameters but that function does not seem to get the values... changing $winnergoals / $losergoals to $testvar1 and $testvar2 give the expected results

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That die gives me the correct values, even for the vars that were not working before... and yet if I remove the die I still get no result, but I do when using either numbers or different vars...


I am totally confused...


Also, IE was giving me loads of garbage at one point too... had to close the window and reopen it.. but Chrome was fine...

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I've solved it....


The value coming from the dbase is a string.. (although it is an INT in the dbase) and the function requires and INT, so I have cast the done this $num1 = (int)$winnergoals and it now works....


How can I solve this without the additional cast?

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