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Empty Space On Horizontal Scroll


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I have no idea why this problem is happening, so was wondering if anyone could help?


I have a PHP script pulling images from a flickr account and displaying them on my website. The images are set so that they appear in a horizontal scroll box which fills the width of the page content.


However, when the page is first loaded, there is a load of blank space at the end of the scroll box, making the scroll box continue, on the page refresh/reload this blank space disappears and the total width of the scroll box is just that so all of the images fit in.


I hope this makes sense? Any ideas?


The relevant parts of the CSS coding are as follows:


#streamcontainer {white-space: nowrap;height: 360px;}#photostream {width: 670px;height: 365px;overflow-x: auto;overflow-y: hidden;white-space: nowrap;}


I have also included below the relevant HTML and PHP Coding incase this helps at all?


<div id="photostream">  <div id="streamcontainer">		 <?php		  $flickr = getSet($theSet);		 ?>  </div></div>


function getSet($which) {global $user;global $apikey;$method = 'flickr.photosets.getPhotos';$params['user_id'] = $user;$photoCollection =& new DOMIT_Document();	    $request_url = 'http://www.flickr.com/services/rest/?';			    if (empty($params)) $params = array();$params['api_key'] = $apikey;$params['method'] = $method;$params['photoset_id'] = $which;	    foreach ($params as $var => $val) {				 $var = urlencode($var);				 $val = urlencode($val);				 $request_url .= "&$var=$val";	    }$safe_return = getFileContents($request_url);$response = $photoCollection->parseXML($safe_return);$photos =& $photoCollection->documentElement->getElementsByTagName("photo");$total = $photos->getLength();  for ($i=0; $i<$total; $i++) {	    $currImg =& $photos->item($i);  $id =& $currImg->getAttributeNS($URI, 'id');  $server =& $currImg->getAttributeNS($URI, 'server');  $secret =& $currImg->getAttributeNS($URI, 'secret');  echo "<a href=\"http://static.flickr.com/".$server."/".$id."_".$secret.".jpg\" rel=\"lightbox[flickr]\" title=\"".$id."\" name=\"$user\"><img src=\"http://static.flickr.com/".$server."/".$id."_".$secret.".jpg\"  alt=\"Catherine Laura Photography\" class=\"photo\" /></a>";}}


Any help or ideas are much appreciated - as I am absolutley stumped on thoughts now!


Many thanks in advance,


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