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Hi all,


Here's the code:


$result = mysql_query("SELECT product_supplier.product_supplier_reference
 , product.price
 , product.wholesale_price
FROM product_attribute
JOIN product
ON product.id_product = product_attribute.id_product
AND product.active = '1'
JOIN product_supplier
ON product_supplier.id_product = product_attribute.id_product
SELECT product_supplier.product_supplier_reference
 , product.price
 , product.wholesale_price
FROM product_supplier
JOIN product
ON product.id_product = product_supplier.id_product
AND product.active = '1'
AND product.cache_default_attribute = '0'");
$fetch = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$fetch[] = $row;
$list = $fetch;
$fp = fopen('product_export.csv', 'w');
foreach ($list as $fields) {
fputcsv($fp, $fields);


The SELECT works perfectly. It creates 3 columns.


The code is supposed to save it as a csv with those 3 columns. Problem is it saves 6 columns (each one duplicated).


I'm sure it's something silly and I just can't see it cause I've been staring at it too long.





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mysql_fetch_array() returns the data duplicated: one array item for each numeric key (0, 1, 2) and one for each string key ("product_supplier_reference", "price", "wholesale_price"). Use mysql_fetch_assoc() to get just the string keys or mysql_fetch_row() to get just the numeric keys.


Also, please try to switch to PDO or mysqli. Those two are more efficient, can make your code much safer, and offer more functionality.

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YOU ROCK! mysql_fetch_row() works perfectly.


Also, please try to switch to PDO or mysqli. Those two are more efficient, can make your code much safer, and offer more functionality.


Sorry to be so naive but how would I do that based on the code above?


Thanks again.

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You cannot just substitute mysqli for mysql in the function names, the function parameters are different.


Personally I prefer object mysqli



$mysqli = new mysqli ('host', 'user', 'pwd', 'database');
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT .... ");
while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) {
  // process row

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Using mysqli is more than just changing the _query statement. The other database statements must be changed as well to match. Posting your current code would help, and if you are not getting any php detected errors, either you don't have php's error_reporting/display_errors set up or the rest of the code on your page is doing something, like redirecting w/output buffering on, so that the errors are being hidden.

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