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PHP code can't write more than one file to MySQL database


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I have a code am trying to modify in order to allow writing more than one file to a MySQL database. Initially, the code was able to write one file into the database along with other information and saving the actual file into a directory. But after adding extra lines of code this isn't possible any more. I am not getting any error message.


Kindly assist.


Please, see attached file upload.php file.


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Thank you muddy_funster for your early response.


Here is my upload.php code highlighting additions i made to uploading a second image (image2) and third image (image3) for the same record:


// Start a session for error reporting

// Call our connection file

// Check to see if the type of file uploaded is a valid image type
function is_valid_type($file)
 // This is an array that holds all the valid image MIME types
 $valid_types = array("image/jpg", "image/jpeg", "image/bmp", "image/gif");
$valid_types = array("image2/jpg", "image2/jpeg", "image2/bmp", "image2/gif");
$valid_types = array("image3/jpg", "image3/jpeg", "image3/bmp", "image3/gif");

 if (in_array($file['type'], $valid_types))
	 return 1;
 return 0;

// Just a short function that prints out the contents of an array in a manner that's easy to read
// I used this function during debugging but it serves no purpose at run time for this example
function showContents($array)
 echo "<pre>";
 echo "</pre>";

// Set some constants

// This variable is the path to the image folder where all the images are going to be stored
// Note that there is a trailing forward slash
$TARGET_PATH = "images/";

// Get our POSTed variables
$ctitle = $_POST['ctitle'];
$csubject = $_POST['csubject'];
$creference = $_POST['creference'];
$cyear = $_POST['cyear'];
$cwidth = $_POST['cwidth'];
$cheight = $_POST['cheight'];
$cperiod = $_POST['cperiod'];
$cdescription = $_POST['cdescription'];
$image = $_FILES['image'];
$image2 = $_FILES['image2'];
$image3 = $_FILES['image3'];

// Sanitize our inputs
$ctitle = mysql_real_escape_string($ctitle);
$csubject= mysql_real_escape_string($csubject);
$creference = mysql_real_escape_string($creference);
$cyear = mysql_real_escape_string($cyear);
$cwidth = mysql_real_escape_string($cwidth);
$cheight = mysql_real_escape_string($cheight);
$cperiod = mysql_real_escape_string($cperiod);
$cdescription = mysql_real_escape_string($cdescription);
$image['name'] = mysql_real_escape_string($image['name']);
$image2['name2'] = mysql_real_escape_string($image2['name2']);
$image3['name3'] = mysql_real_escape_string($image3['name3']);

// Build our target path full string. This is where the file will be moved do
// i.e. images/picture.jpg
$TARGET_PATH .= $image['name'];
$TARGET_PATH .= $image2['name2'];
$TARGET_PATH .= $image3['name3'];

// Make sure all the fields from the form have inputs
if ( $ctitle == "" || $csubject == "" || $creference == "" || $cyear == "" || $cwidth == "" || $cheight == "" || $cperiod == "" || $cdescription == "" || $image['name'] == "" || $image2['name2'] == "" || $image3['name3'] == "" )
 $_SESSION['error'] = "All fields are required";
 header("Location: index.php");

// Check to make sure that our file is actually an image
// You check the file type instead of the extension because the extension can easily be faked
if (!is_valid_type($image))
 $_SESSION['error'] = "You must upload a jpeg, gif, or bmp";
 header("Location: insert.php");

// Here we check to see if a file with that name already exists
// You could get past filename problems by appending a timestamp to the filename and then continuing
if (file_exists($TARGET_PATH))
 $_SESSION['error'] = "A file with that name already exists";
 header("Location: insert.php");

// Lets attempt to move the file from its temporary directory to its new home
if (move_uploaded_file($image['tmp_name'], $TARGET_PATH))
 // NOTE: This is where a lot of people make mistakes.
 // We are *not* putting the image into the database; we are putting a reference to the file's location on the server
 $sql = "insert into collections (ctitle, csubject, creference, cyear, cwidth, cheight, cperiod, cdescription, cfilename, cfilename2, cfilename3) values ('$ctitle', '$csubject', '$creference', '$cyear', '$cwidth', '$cheight', '$cperiod', '$cdescription', '" . $image['name'] . "', '" . $image2['name2'] . "', '" . $image3['name3'] . "')";
 $result = mysql_query($sql) or die ("Could not insert data into DB: " . mysql_error());
 header("Location: index.php");
 // A common cause of file moving failures is because of bad permissions on the directory attempting to be written to
 // Make sure you chmod the directory to be writeable
 $_SESSION['error'] = "Could not upload file. Check read/write persmissions on the directory";
 header("Location: index.php");


And also part of my insert.php file:


<td>Upload Image1</td><td></td>
 <td> <input type="file" name="image" /><br />
				 <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000" />

<td>Upload Image2</td><td></td>
 <td> <input type="file" name="[color=#0000ff]image2[/color]" /><br />
				 <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000" />

<td>Upload Image3</td><td></td>
 <td> <input type="file" name="[color=#0000ff]image3[/color]" /><br />
				 <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000" />
				 <input type="submit" id="submit" value="Save" />


I will appreciate your help.



Edited by josephbupe
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