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Im having a nightmare (very newbie to PHP) to display a webpge which changes the title dinamically with PHP scripts that Im sure are correct. Instead it gives me ERROR 500. As well as hosting provider is not sure if my directory structure is correct, again Im very positive it is correct, trying to sort this bugger out for ages. I will add a png file for directory overview. Can someone please have alook at this example: http://www.origin-designs.co.uk/


1. All goes wrong when I add this script to my _header.php:


$objBusiness = new Business();
$business = $objBusiness->getBusiness();


2. This is Business class script:


class Business extends Application {

private $_table = 'business';

public function getBusiness() {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->_table}`
WHERE `id` = 1";
return $this->db->fetchOne($sql);

public function getVatRate() {
$business = $this->getBusiness();
return $business['vat_rate'];

public function updateBusiness($vars = null) {
if (!empty($vars)) {
return $this->db->update($this->_table, 1);


will provide you with further information if needed.


Many thanks.



Edited by linardzb
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A http 500 response code for a php produced page usually means a fatal parse or fatal runtime error. If your code works on your development system, so that we can assume that it doesn't have a fatal parse error, you are likely getting a fatal runtime error.


To help debug a runtime error, add the following two lines of code, immediately after your first opening <?php tag, to see what if any php errors are occurring -


ini_set("display_errors", "1");

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A http 500 response code for a php produced page usually means a fatal parse or fatal runtime error. If your code works on your development system, so that we can assume that it doesn't have a fatal parse error, you are likely getting a fatal runtime error.


To help debug a runtime error, add the following two lines of code, immediately after your first opening <?php tag, to see what if any php errors are occurring -


ini_set("display_errors", "1");


Sorry for dumb question, shall I throw it in index.php or _header.php ? cheers

Edited by linardzb
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This is Directory access code:


if(!isset($_SESSION)) {
// site domain name with http
|| define("SITE_URL", "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);

// directory separator
// root path
|| define("ROOT_PATH", realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . DS."..".DS));

// classes folder
|| define("CLASSES_DIR", "classes");
// pages directory
|| define("PAGES_DIR", "pages");
// modules folder
|| define("MOD_DIR", "mod");

// inc folder
|| define("INC_DIR", "inc");

// templates folder
|| define("TEMPLATE_DIR", "template");

// emails path
|| define("EMAILS_PATH", ROOT_PATH.DS."emails");

// catalogue images path
|| define("CATALOGUE_PATH", ROOT_PATH.DS."media".DS."catalogue");

// add all above directories to the include path
set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, array(

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I would try putting the code on my laptop/desktop/whatever pc and use something like WAMP to set up a localhost to do testing, since it sounds like you're using a shared host. 

Edited by Jessica
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Shared hosting:


MySQL Server version: 5.0.92-50-log

WebServer: MySQL client version: 5.1.66


which provides Info NOTE: Your PHP MySQL library version 5.1.66 differs from your MySQL server version 5.0.92. This may cause unpredictable behavior.


Which I checked, and aparently it needs to updated via:

yum update php


Local Server:



Server version: 5.5.8-log



  • Apache/2.2.17 (Win32) PHP/5.3.5
  • MySQL client version: mysqlnd 5.0.7-dev - 091210


Yhank you for the help

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