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error with website tansisiton


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Thank you in advance for the support. Hopefully this will be very easy for one of you programmers out there.

I recently moved our webiste to a new host provider. Everything worked well besides one page that links to phpMyAdmin. I have requested help from the hosting provider, but have turned me down (only stating it may be a version conflict within the code). I've been researching on the web, but cannot get anything I try to work. On the old server the php version was 5.3.6 . On the new one, I have the options of 5.3.20, 5.2.17, 5.3.8, 5.4.0, 5.4.8.


Here is the error message I get on the page:


Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/peoplesf/COOP/includes/events_listing.php on line 14


Here is a portion (I think the relevant part) of the php file:




$result = mysql_query("SELECT event_date_start, event_date_end, event_title, event_description, a.assoc_name AS registration_type, b.assoc_name AS location, c.assoc_name AS speaker

FROM coop_events

LEFT JOIN coop_assocs a ON a.assoc_id = event_registration_id

LEFT JOIN coop_assocs b ON b.assoc_id = event_location_id

LEFT JOIN coop_assocs c ON c.assoc_id = event_speaker_id

WHERE event_active = 1

ORDER BY event_weight ASC, event_date_start ASC



while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { <---line 14



echo '<div class="event_single">';


$date_part_1 = date("l F j", strtotime($row['event_date_start']));



if ($row['event_date_start'] == $row['event_date_end']) {

// Do not display time

$date_part_2 = '';


} else {


// , 7-8:30pm

$start_time = date("g:ia", strtotime($row['event_date_start']));

$end_time = date("g:ia", strtotime($row['event_date_end']));


if ( (stristr($start_time,'am') && stristr($end_time,'am')) || (stristr($start_time,'pm') && stristr($end_time,'pm'))) {

$start_time = date("g:i", strtotime($row['event_date_start']));


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