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mysql error code


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Hy everybody for the second time today.


I'd like for my catch clause to redirect to a page regarding the mysql error given by a query. Lets say that i mispell a query and get a 1064 sql error code. how to i get it? I've tried googling but with no results. I've also found the errorCode() method that's going with PDO object and PDOStatement but it doesn't work.

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I did come up on errors. That is why i'm asking but i didnt get that far ahead to now how to keep logs but i can imagine how to do it, but the main thing I want to do is get the sql error number. Let's say i get 1062 which is for duplicate code, or when i put the values in a table that are already there and need to be unique. Then i would like to do something like this:


//registration of user with the unique values repetied, exception
//sql error code 1062

if(1062 == true)
   //redirect to registration page with a message that the username
  //or password or given e-mail already exists


That's what i want. I'm learning php for 2 months and I figure there's a better way to do this, but this is the best i can understand with a 2 months knowledge. I've tried with the errorCode() method in with the PDOStatement object but it doesn't work.

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Don't rely on error conditions to tell you there's duplicate data. Actually look to see if there's a duplicate entry before trying to add a new one.


[edit] If you're paranoid then there are a lot of different errors you can look for. PDOStatement::errorCode() will return something that is not the MySQL error number.

Edited by requinix
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