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Trying to avoid iframes


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I am pretty new to php still and need some help. I will get to the point. I am working though a learning exercise. I want a user to be able to enter a number in a text field. When submit is clicked it will echo the value to (this is one of the two important parts) THE SAME SCREEN as the form where it was entered. The second part I am having trouble with is that I want the old previous numbers entered to show as well as the new ones. So it will show as a list. As a part of my learning project I am wanting the growing list to be put into a flat file and as I said, printed back on the form page. I have been trying to work with both readfile() as well as php_self to accomplish this but I cannot get my head wrapped around how this would work. I am not even sure if I am going about this the right way at all. I may be trying to learn something a little too advanced for where I am. Could someone steer me in the right direction please? Thanks much.



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You don't need AJAX for this, in fact I have no idea why you posted in this section.


If you need help with specific code, post it in PHP help (or here if you actually have AJAX code.) 

If you just need advice on your approach, in Application Design.

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