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Listing items with different links


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I've got 3 listed items, like this:


Item one


Item two


Item three


each one of this items have a link, but all the 3 items are different rows from the same table, but all the links open the same


how can I distinct each one of the links?

I got this code:

//echo "<link href='default.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='all' />";
$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die("Impossivel conectar");

		mysql_select_db("eventos", $conn);	
		$sql = "SELECT id_eventos, nome FROM eventos";		
		$rs = mysql_query($sql, $conn);		
		$num = mysql_num_rows($rs);
		if($num > 0)
			//echo "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>\n";

			while($dados = mysql_fetch_array($rs))
				$ref 	= $dados["id_eventos"];
				$nome 	= $dados["nome"];
			/*	$img = $dados["imagens"];
				echo"		<tr>";
				echo"		<td>$ref</td>";
				echo"		<td>$desc</td>";
				echo"		<td>$pvp</td>";
				echo"		<td>$func</td>";
				echo"		<td>$garant</td>";*/
			//	echo "<td>";
				//echo "<li><a href=\"mostra_evento.php?id=$ref\"></li>";
				echo"<li><a href=\"listar_imagem.php?id=$ref\">$nome</a></li>";
				//echo"	</tr>\n";
   // echo "</table>\n";
$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die("Impossivel conectar");

		mysql_select_db("eventos", $conn);	
		$sql = "SELECT * from eventos where id_eventos=1;		
		$rs = mysql_query($sql, $conn);		
		$num = mysql_num_rows($rs);
		if($num > 0)
			echo "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>\n";
			echo "<table border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>
			<td>Nº de Evento</td>
			while($dados = mysql_fetch_array($rs))
				$ref 	= $dados["id_eventos"];
				$nome 	= $dados["nome"];
				$desc    = $dados["descricao"];
				$req   = $dados["requisitos"];
				$data = $dados["data"];
				$vence   = $dados["vencedor"];
				//$img = $dados["imagens"];
				echo"		<tr>";
				echo"		<td>$ref</td>";
				echo"		<td>$nome</td>";
				echo"		<td>$desc</td>";
				echo"		<td>$req</td>";
				echo"		<td>$data</td>";
				echo"		<td>$vence</td>";
				echo "<td>";
				echo"<a href=\"listar_imagem.php?id=$id\"></a>";
				echo"	</tr>\n";
		echo "</table>";
    echo "</table>\n";

can you help?

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i'm complity a newbie..

i barely can do a log in system, mutch less debugg. i read what she said, and I understand a good hint to discover the error is to echo where they happear, but.. reading is different than doing :/


btw can you give me more detail info about that $get?

Edited by jopereira
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Look in the manual under $_GET

i read into some info about $_GET but I found nothing i could use


my next guess it's in the script responsible to list the items I got this

echo"<li><a href=\"list_event.php?id=$ref\">$name</a></li>";

and on the script responsible to load its info is:

$sql = "SELECT * from eventos where id_event=$ref";

echo"<a href=\"list_event.php?id=$ref\"></a>";

i think this $ref parameter could help, but how it is now it gives the error:



Notice: Undefined variable: ref in C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\eventos\list_event.php on line 8


Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\eventos\list_event.php on line 10

Edited by jopereira
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Assuming ref is numeric



$ref = intval($_GET['ref']);
$sql = "SELECT * from eventos where id_eventos=$ref";

it is a INT value, auto incremet, and I did as you said, but it keeps saying:


Notice: Undefined index: ref in C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\eventos\listar_imagem.php on line 8

Edited by jopereira
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Your url is sending id, not ref.


Try to think about it logically instead of simply claiming you don't understand it. If you read the documentation on $_GET it's pretty clear.



nope.. I already saw that and corrected

id_eventos is the value that distincts the line of my table (the primary key) and the variable that holds its value is $ref

look (pay attention to the <-----------------------------):

//echo "<link href='default.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='all' />";
$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die("Impossivel conectar");

		mysql_select_db("eventos", $conn);	
		$sql = "SELECT id_eventos, nome FROM eventos";		
		$rs = mysql_query($sql, $conn);		
		$num = mysql_num_rows($rs);
		if($num > 0)
			//echo "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>\n";

			while($dados = mysql_fetch_array($rs))
				$ref 	= $dados["id_eventos"]; <----------------------------------
				$nome 	= $dados["nome"];
			/*	$img = $dados["imagens"];
				echo"		<tr>";
				echo"		<td>$ref</td>";
				echo"		<td>$desc</td>";
				echo"		<td>$pvp</td>";
				echo"		<td>$func</td>";
				echo"		<td>$garant</td>";*/
			//	echo "<td>";
				//echo "<li><a href=\"mostra_evento.php?id=$ref\"></li>";
			        echo"<li><a href=\"listar_imagem.php?id_eventos=$ref\">$nome</a></li>";<--------------------------
				//echo"	</tr>\n";
   // echo "</table>\n";
$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die("Impossivel conectar");

        mysql_select_db("eventos", $conn);    
        $ref = intval($_GET['id_eventos']);<----------------------------------
        $sql = "SELECT * from eventos where id_eventos=$ref";        <----------------------------------
        $rs = mysql_query($sql, $conn);        
        $num = mysql_num_rows($rs);
        if($num > 0)
            echo "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>\n";
            echo "<table border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>
            <td>Nº de Evento</td>
            while($dados = mysql_fetch_array($rs))
                $ref     = $dados["id_eventos"];
                $nome     = $dados["nome"];
                $desc = $dados["descricao"];
                $req = $dados["requisitos"];
                $data = $dados["data"];
                $vence = $dados["vencedor"];
                //$img = $dados["imagens"];
                echo"        <tr>";
                echo"        <td>$id_eventos</td>";
                echo"        <td>$nome</td>";
                echo"        <td>$descricao</td>";
                echo"        <td>$requisitos</td>";
                echo"        <td>$data</td>";
                echo"        <td>$vencedor</td>";
                echo "<td>";
                echo"    </tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
Edited by jopereira
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Your URL says id.


Look at the example in the documentation. And think about it.

If you go to a URL ending in id=5 and you want to get 5, what would you need to "GET"?


damn I missed the logical thing.. I thought I had already changed that id, but I actually didn't //.-

I realy appreciate the way all you people help here, it's such a shame that some teachers dont do that way, resulting in my unknowledge and "personal hate" for php, when it is so easy when you get thing done


sorry for beeing dumb :/


my issue is solved here


Edited by jopereira
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Sigh, $_GET['id'] on the receiving page will hold the value you are looking for. Just make sure to cast it to an int data type before using it in the SQL statement.


If only you would have read it when I posted it.

Edited by AyKay47
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