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PHP Odd Question (Not really sure what this is called..?)


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Hi all! I've been workign a lot lately on this issue and have come accross it yet again. I will show you the example of the code that grabs the data and display it, then also two images. One image of what I am getting (No erros in this), and also an Image of what I am tryign to accomplish. I'm sorry I can't be more specific, but I have googled everything under the sun and am stumped as to what the function or even php/mysql code is called for this.. anyway, here it goes!


I am displaying some images. They display great. Theo nly problem is, I wnat them to display in a more advanced way now that I have covered many nice things on my website. I can show a list of images, but let's say I have an image that is displayed twice (the same image. I want to, instead of displaying the image itself twice again, just display the image and underneath it put a x 2. Here is my code for grabbing and displaying the images... keep in mind, yes my variable names are rediculous and my coding seems unorginzed but I am 100% self-taught for 11 years now...


$getid = $_GET['uitemid'];

$action = $_GET['action'];

if(!isset($getid)) {

$col = "4";

echo "<table border=0>";

echo "<tr>";

$query = "SELECT * FROM uitems WHERE username='$showusername' AND location='1'";

$iquery = mysql_query($query);

while($irow = mysql_fetch_array($iquery)) {

$uitemid = $irow['uitemid'];

$theitemid = $irow['theitemid'];

$loc = $irow['location'];

$price = $irow['price'];

$uzer = $irow['username'];

$squery = "SELECT * FROM items WHERE itemid='$theitemid'";

$querys = mysql_query($squery);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($querys)) {

$name = $row['name'];

$image = $row['image'];

$desc = $row['desc'];

$rare = $row['rarity'];

$shop = $row['shop'];

$type = $row['type'];

$coins = $row['coins'];

$uses = $row['uses'];

echo "<td><center>$name<br><a href=?uitemid=$uitemid><img src=images/items/$image></a></center></td>";


if(!$col) {

 echo "</tr><tr>";







Here are the images, The first one is what I am getting, and the second is what I want to accomplish...


before and after I named them, basically. Before is what I am getting, and after is what I want... so yeah.


Anyway, basically, what way should I go about with my code to make this happen? I don't use the JOIN MySQL because it never works for me, I just loop it, and it always works fine. Is there a way to do this with my code? Thanks guys! :)



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It's mostly a change to your query. In SQL a GROUP BY allows you to "combine" similar items (however you want to define that) and lets you use aggregate functions like COUNT() to give you information about each grouping.

$query = "SELECT *, COUNT(1) AS count FROM uitems WHERE username='$showusername' AND location='1' GROUP BY theitemid";
That will group items together according to the theitemid, and return back a column named "count" containing the number of items in each group. In your example it will be 2 for the gem and 1 for everything else; if it's not 1 then display the x? alongside the item.



As for the JOIN, you really should learn to use it. Using nested queries like you're doing now is almost always a Bad Thing. Also you should avoid using SELECT *s unless you actually do want all of the information in the table (which you don't here).


Try this:

SELECT u.uitemid, i.name, i.image
FROM uitems u
JOIN items i ON u.theitemid = i.itemid
WHERE u.username = '$showusername' AND u.location = 1
GROUP BY i.theitemid
[edit] With this you only need the one loop. [/edit]


But there's a problem. I think the uitemid is unique to each uitem? GROUP BY won't let you get more than one value for each group of rows: you'll get some uitemid for one of the two gems and you can't know which one it was for. So that impacts the link you output.

Edited by requinix
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The query works fine for displaying as for the uitem thing, but thank you for the help. I will try what you said when I get back home from work. I appreciate the help, and will let you know how it goes. I will post later, thank you! I will also look into the JOIN. I've had trouble in the past with JOIN and just became discouraged. I take the long route with it by running 4930294 loops, lol. >_< I run so many loops with the while array,it's no even funny. But I will try the GROUP BY.

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