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Google Analytics - match specific parts of url


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For google analytics, I need to have a regex that will match our goal pages.


The part of the url that it would be looking at would be similar to:



These urls will have exactly 4 segments. "variable" segments can contain only letters (case insensitive), numbers, dashes and are required.

I need to specifically match "checkout" in the 2nd segment and "thank-you" in the 4th.  There is no trailing / after thank-you.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Regex is my weakness.  (I know...I know..)


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This seems to work, at least when testing with preg_match(), does it look correct with the rules I stated?  I basically escaped all slashes and chained everything together with a + that wasn't static.  I think (lol)

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A little too overzealous with the pluses.

You might not need to escape the slashes (they'd probably tell you to if you did) and you might need ^ and $ anchors (if they say anything about it matching parts of the URL and not the entire thing).
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