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changing array value


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Hy to all, basicly all I want to do is:

I have an array of three elements, the firt to elements can be a string or a number for example.

vect[0]=12, vect[1]=JULY, or vect[0]=first,vect[1]=2 and so on.

all I want to do is to change the array value in base of it value. so if vect[0]=first I want to substitute it with 1, and if vect[1]=JULY I want to substitute it with 7. The only solution I can think of is to make a series of IF's but I don't like it, I think there is a bettere way to do it. 

this is my script

$date = "riunione del 1/aprile/1969 orco zio";
if (preg_match($p,$date,$matches)) {
	echo $matches[1];
	echo $matches[2];
	echo $matches[3];

some has some ideas?


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Tip: strtr can do a bunch of replacements using an associative array, like

	"first" => "1",
	"JULY" => "7",
[edit] And if you're always converting to a number then you can save yourself some repetition by

1. Converting the string to all upper- or lowercase (don't need a "july" and "JULY")

2. Using iconv() to "remove" accents from characters (don't need a "ventitre" and "ventitré")

Edited by requinix
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One possible solution:

//Define all the replacements (in lower case)
$replacements = array(
    'first' => 1,
    'second' => 2,
    'third' => 3,
    'july'  => 7,
    'august' => 8

function convertValues($value)
    global $replacements;

    $testValue = trim(strtolower(iconv($value)));
    if(array_key_exists($testValue, $replacements))
        return $replacements[$testValue];

    return $value;

$vect = array_map('convertValues', $vect);

Note that I used "global" to avoid redefining the array in the function. Since the function is called as a 'callback' from within the array_map() function you can't pass additional parameters. Well, you can, but it's a little ambiguous and I'm too lazy to look up how it's done. So, one solution would be to make this a class where the replacement values are a property in the class.

Edited by Psycho
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