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almost finished, one error, help please

Go to solution Solved by luismc2007,

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Hi, good morning.


I have this code attached that is almost finished ready to work... ( sorry, is coded in spanish language )


But, at the end I have an error and don´t know how to fix...


I´m, trying to copy and save the new image created "$final" with a new name "$lapeque", but doesn´t work.



This code is without errors and runs to the end "echo[FIN]".


Any idea??


Can you help me? please.


Thanks a lot.















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Hi: Yes, this is the code and echos in english, sorry and thanks for everybody




if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0)
  echo "Error: " . $_FILES["file"]["error"] . "<br>";
  echo "File uploades: " . $_FILES["file"]["name"] . "<br>";
  echo "Type: " . $_FILES["file"]["type"] . "<br>";
  echo "Weight: " . ($_FILES["file"]["size"] / 1024) . " kB<br>";

echo "The file is: $archivo<br>";

echo "Copying file in destiny<br>";
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $archivo);
echo "Fichero imagen copiado<br>";

//Get the size of the original image



echo "Original width: $anchooriginal<br>";

echo "OriginalHeight: $altooriginal<br>";


// What is the image...
$separo = explode( '.', strtolower($archivo) );
$nombre = $separo[0];
$extension = $separo[1];


echo "Name: $nombre<br>";
echo "Extension: $extension<br>";


//My Final size for thumb


// Create a new jpg image
$imagen_src = imagecreatefromjpeg( $archivo );
echo "ok, new image created in jpg format<br>";

//scaling and calculating size of image


echo "New Sizes: $escala_1, $escala_2 <br>";


//Let see if vertical or horizontal


if ( $altooriginal > $anchooriginal )
 $escala_1 = $escala_2;

echo"Ok, scaling complete vertical-horizontal<br>";


// scaling

$horizontal=ceil( $anchooriginal * $escala_1 );
$vertical=ceil( $altooriginal * $escala_1 );

echo"The new scale is: $horizontal, $vertical<br>";


//create new image
$final=imagecreatetruecolor ( $horizontal, $vertical );

echo"The new image is created<br>";


//copying the new image into teh new small image

imagecopyresized ( $final, $imagen_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $horizontal, $vertical, imagesx($imagen_src), imagesy($imagen_src) );


echo "Copying file into final destiny: $destinofinal<br>";

//The new name for thumb

echo "The thumb is: $lapeque<br>";




//The thumb that I want to copy and save in the server

copy($lapeque, $destinofinal);
echo "Image saved in destiny<br>";


imagedestroy ($final);




I think my error is around this comment line:

//The thumb that I want to copy and save in the server



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Hi. I just do that, I put that line at the beggining of the file and execute in the server.. no errors. :-)


Maybe a clue.

I receive this from an echo..... The thumb is: Resource ip.jpg


Can be here the problem? HJow to fix?



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When I run your script into my server I got next errors:


1. Notice: Use of undefined constant alto_final - assumed 'alto_final' in .... you're using - $escala_2=alto_final/$altooriginal (don't forget a dollar sign)


2. Warning: substr() expects parameter 1 to be string, resource given in ...


3. Warning: copy(): The second argument to copy() function cannot be a directory in ...


Double check the script and redesign it, also use a code tags next time, please! 

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Dollar sign... jeje.. just forget it and don´t see it. :-) (sorry)

now is ok...




About the substr() function.... I think $final (first argument) is the "name" of the image that I create... or not? What I´m doing wrong with this?



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About the substr() function.... I think $final (first argument) is the "name" of the image that I create... or not? What I´m doing wrong with this?


You have to know what type of value expect to be the $final variable.


Check :


echo gettype($final);

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