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PHP Pagination (Adjacent)


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Hello, I have manually created a simple pagination function, but unfortunately, I am having trouble when it comes to limit the number of pages shown... 

At the present, If there are 10 pages, I show all the pages, but my goal was to only show 5 pages... 


If I am on page 1 I only see:
[1] 2 3 4 5


If I am on two:


[2] 3 4 5 6


If I am on three: 


[3] 4 5 6 7


What should I do? this is my current cycle:


if($number_pages > $num_pages_list /*5 in this case*/)
for($i=1; $i <= $number_pages; $i++)
if($i == $_GET['page'])
echo '<a href="'.$page.'?page='.$i.'&i='.($results_page*$i-$results_page).'"><b>'.$i.'</b></a>';
echo '<a href="'.$page.'?page='.$i.'&i='.($results_page*$i-$results_page).'">'.$i.'</a>';


In this example I still show every page...
Edited by Rita_Ruah
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for($i=1; $i <= $number_pages; $i++)
Fix that line. If you know what it does, it should be fairly easy to change it to what you've just said you want it to do.


Hi there, I know what it does, for i equals 1, while i is lower or equals number_pages, etc etc...


But I am not sure what to do here, can you give me a hint? Please, I am stuck here for hours... 



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Well, your complaint is that it's printing all the numbers up to $number_pages. You want it to print up to $num_pages_list.


You also are starting at 1 right now. You say you want to start at the current page.


There are two things to change.

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Well, your complaint is that it's printing all the numbers up to $number_pages. You want it to print up to $num_pages_list.


You also are starting at 1 right now. You say you want to start at the current page.


There are two things to change.


Oh sorry, my bad, ok, I'm going to try to explain again:


Currently, my pagination works fine (next - previous - first page - last page), but the problem is that I need to only show 5 numbers (five pages at once, and currently I am showing every page).


What I want is showing every page buuuuut make sure that there are only 5 pages at once, thus the example (imagine that there is a total of 7 pages in the pagination:


If I am at page 1 I will see:


[1] 2 3 4 5


If I am at page 2 I will see:


[2] 3 4 5 6


If I am at page 3:


[3] 4 5 6 7


If I am at page 4:


3 [4] 5 6 7


Did you understand? (Sorry I am italian)

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Yes, I understand. I told you what your code is doing now. Change those parts to do what you want.


The first part I think that it's assigning the current page for $i, right?

Next I have no idea... Please help... I feel dizzy, pagiantion was fine and was my favorite project until this problem :( 

I only ask because I am desperate... :(

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You can't be that desperate, you didn't even try to change it.


But I am on my tablet, is there any php editor/run for tablet (android)?


Only tomorrow I will be able to try to fix it... please Jessica, if you don't want to give the answer, atleast try to explain to me what to do... I am thinking about:


for($i = $_GET['page']; $i <= $num_pages_list+$_GET['page'];i++)


if($i <= $num_pages)


echo $i;




EDIT: This won't work because the pages aren't limited to 5 right? 

Damn... :(

Edited by Rita_Ruah
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Viewing page: 1 of 10

[ *1* 2 3 4 5 ]


Viewing page: 2 of 10

[ *2* 3 4 5 6 ]


Viewing page: 3 of 10

[ *3* 4 5 6 7 ]


Viewing page: 4 of 10

[ *4* 5 6 7 8 ]


Viewing page: 5 of 10

[ *5* 6 7 8 9 ]


Viewing page: 6 of 10

[ *6* 7 8 9 10 ]


Viewing page: 7 of 10

[ 6 *7* 8 9 10 ]


Viewing page: 8 of 10

[ 6 7 *8* 9 10 ]


Viewing page: 9 of 10

[ 6 7 8 *9* 10 ]


Viewing page: 10 of 10

[ 6 7 8 9 *10* ]


$display_pages = 5;
$total_pages = 10;

for($i=1; $i<=10; $i++){
	$current_page = $i;
	echo "Viewing page: {$current_page} of {$total_pages}\n";
	echo '[';
	$start = $current_page;
	if($total_pages-$start < $display_pages){
		$start = ($total_pages-$display_pages)+1;
	for($k=$start; $k<($start+$display_pages); $k++){
			echo " *{$k}* ";
			echo " {$k} ";
	echo ']';
	echo "\n\n";
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$display_pages = 5;
$total_pages = 10;

for($i=1; $i<=10; $i++){
	$current_page = $i;
	echo "Viewing page: {$current_page} of {$total_pages}\n";
	echo '[';
	$start = $current_page;
	if($total_pages-$start < $display_pages){
		$start = ($total_pages-$display_pages)+1;
	for($k=$start; $k<($start+$display_pages); $k++){
			echo " *{$k}* ";
			echo " {$k} ";
	echo ']';
	echo "\n\n";

This looks good thanks :)

Whenever I finish the function to paginate (it's a pagination without database), I will tell if it worked! Thank you Jessica!

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