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Novice needs coding help!


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Hi all... First, as I stated, I'm a complete php novice, so excuse my elementary approach to my question.  Here goes...


I have price packages set up for placing a listing on my site which uses the code below to display them like so:



			$uri =  end(explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
			$uri = explode('&pkg=', $uri);
			//echo $uri[0];
			  	 $property_price_info = get_property_price_info();

			  <div class="form_row clearfix <?php if($_REQUEST['upgrade']){echo 'upgrade_highlight';} ?>" >
                <?php get_price_info($price_select,$package_pid,$uri[0]);?> 

However, I want to be able to style the output to make it look like the image below, but I have no idea how to go about doing so.  I'm not concerned with the verbiage difference (I just made an example to show you), I just need help figuring out how to make package 1, 2 and 3 show up on one line, then 4, 5 and 6 on the next, then 7, 8 and 9 on the next, etc. so that I can style the rows differently.




Thanks in advance for your help!

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The code you've posted doesn't demonstrate anything to do with output.


What you're asking is a very simple thing. Select your categories, then for each one list the three options. Zebra-striping is another easy concept, you can find tutorials for that by googling.

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As I stated, I'm just a novice...sorry!  I believe THIS is the code that needs to be changed:

function get_price_info($title='',$package_pid, $uri)
	global $price_db_table_name,$wpdb;
	add_column_if_not_exist($price_db_table_name, 'sort_order');
	$pricesql = "select * from $price_db_table_name where status=1 and post_type='listing' ORDER BY sort_order,pid";
	$priceinfo = $wpdb->get_results($pricesql);
		foreach($priceinfo as $priceinfoObj)
            <div class="package"><input type="radio" value="<?php echo $priceinfoObj->pid;?>" <?php if($title==$priceinfoObj->pid ){ echo 'checked="checked"';}?> name="price_select" id="price_select<?php echo $counter ?>"  onclick="window.location.href='<?php echo home_url();?>/?<?php echo $uri; ?>&pkg=<?php echo $priceinfoObj->pid;?>'+user_val" /> <?php echo stripslashes($priceinfoObj->title_desc);?></div>
         <div class="package"><input type="radio" value="<?php echo $priceinfoObj->pid;?>" <?php if($title==$priceinfoObj->pid ){ echo 'checked="checked"';}?> name="price_select" id="price_select<?php echo $counter ?>" onclick="window.location.href='<?php echo home_url();?>/?<?php echo $uri; ?>&pkg=<?php echo $priceinfoObj->pid;?>'+user_val" /> <?php printf(__(PUBLISH_DAYS_TEXT),$priceinfoObj->title,$priceinfoObj->days,str_replace(' ','_',$priceinfoObj->title),$priceinfoObj->amount,get_currency_type());?></div>
        <?php $counter++;

Does anyone know what I would change to show the first 3 entries in a row, then the next 3, and so on instead of one per line? 

I have no idea whatsoever and REALLY, REALLY need some help...

Thanks to everyone in advance!!!

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