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Best Books for PDO?


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Thanks, I live near a large town but the main book shops doesn't have many computer based books.


When I google PDO it comes up with lots based on connecting to the database. A pro designer from Sweden told me that PDO is all about the connection. Thats why I didn't bother to learn it and focussed on PHP.

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Learning php is one thing. Using pdo for your db access is a completely different thing. Together you write data-based apps.


PDO is just the piece that accesses the databases. There's a lot more PHP in an application than there is PDO. That's why a book is basically unnecessary.


Here's an example of pdo usage:


I have this standard script stored outside of my web-accessible server tree:


I call it: pdo_db_connect_select.php and include it in all my db-needing scripts.



function PDOConnect($sc_dbname,$msg=null,$options=null)


// initialize

// PDO requires it to be enabled in php.ini

/* add this to the ini file:






// Connect to mysql using pdo api

$host="mysql:host=(your hostname);dbname=$sc_dbname";

$uid = "(your uid for your database)";

$pswd = "(password)";



$mysql = new PDO($host,$uid,$pswd,$options);


catch (PDOException $e)


if ($msg == "ShowMsg")

echo "Fatal Error<br>Failed to connect to mysql via PDO. PDO Error msg is:<br>".$e->getMessage();


echo "Fatal Error<br>Possible bad dbname?<br>Failed to connect to mysql via PDO. Sensitive error msg may be viewed with additional parm to call to PDOConnect(dbname,'ShowMsg')";

return false;


if (!$mysql)


echo "Failed to connect to mysql via PDO. Error returned is: " . GetPDO_ErrorMsg($mysql);

return false;



return $mysql;



function GetPDO_ErrorMsg($pdo,$i = 2)


$pdo_errinfo = $pdo->ErrorInfo();

return $pdo_errinfo[$i];





I included some extra code to make my life easier - you can eliminate or adopt it.



As for actually using PDO here is a simple approach. Note - I'm showing you simple query usage, not a prepared query situation. Start with this and graduate later.


// database access


$pdo = PDOConnect((a dbname));

$q = "select driver_name,driver_season from drivers";

$qrslts = $pdo->query($q);

$numrows = $qrslts->rowCount();

echo "Found $numrows records<br>";

if (!$qrslts)


echo "Could not gather driver names - Error msg is: ".GetPDO_ErrorMsg($pdo);





while($row = $qrslts->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))


(your php handling code here






This code shows you how to include your std. connection code in your script, how to run the query, handle errors (using again, a simple function I added which you don't have to use), and process the results.


Again - you are going to get a few posts (lots?) saying you should use prepared queries. For one-shot queries and scripts doing proper input validation, I find prepared queries not necessary, but they do have a use and you will need to move towards learning them later on.


Hope this clears up your confusion. Good luck.

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