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PHP login wont work


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Hi, i've got a problem which i cant find a way around it, tho i think everything is OK with my php code, so i need an opinion if anyone can spot something...


Anyway, this is my php code:

<?php session_start(); ?>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        if (isset($_POST['prijaviSe']))
            $korisnickoIme = $_POST['korisnickoIme'];
            $lozinka = md5($_POST['lozinka']);
            $rezultat = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM korisnik WHERE korisnicko_ime = '$korisnickoIme' AND lozinka = '$lozinka'");
            if ($rezultat && mysql_num_rows($rezultat) > 0)
                $red = mysql_fetch_assoc($rezultat);
                $_SESSION['id'] = $red['id'];
                $_SESSION['korisnickoIme'] = $red['korisnicko_ime'];
                header('Location: index.php');
                echo '<span style="color: red;">Korisnicko ime ili lozinka nisu ispravni.</span><hr />';
        <form action="logovanje.php" method="POST">
                    <td>Korisnicko ime:</td>
                    <td><input type="text" name="korisnickoIme" /></td>
                    <td><input type="password" name="lozinka" /></td>
            <hr />
            <input type="submit" value="Prijavi se" name="prijaviSe" />

and my table with 2 usernames, admin and test, with their password in next column




as u can see, in my php code, my entered password is hashed and then compared with password in the table...but when i type in my login window : "test" , "test"; it prints me out the error message...that's why i changed admins pass to 'admin' (before it was some random hash code like the password for test) and it's still not working...i really don't know what's the problem, and because of that i cant continue my work....Can anyone help? Thank you.

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i wrote for input "test" for username and "test" for password, and the values it echoed are the same like those in the table:





i have no idea why the IF part wont go through, seems like that the condition in IF( ) is not TRUE....and  it is jumping to ELSE part...

Edited by ristic
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<?php session_start(); ?>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        if (isset($_POST['prijaviSe']))
            $korisnickoIme = $_POST['korisnickoIme'];
            $lozinka = md5($_POST['lozinka']);
            echo "<p>$korisnickoIme";                           // this does get written
            echo "<p>$lozinka <p>";
            $rezultat = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM korisnik WHERE korisnicko_ime = '$korisnickoIme' AND lozinka = '$lozinka'");
            if ($rezultat && mysql_num_rows($rezultat) > 0)
                $red = mysql_fetch_assoc($rezultat);
                $_SESSION['id'] = $red['id'];
                echo "This is something random in IF part <p>"; // this does NOT get written
                $_SESSION['korisnickoIme'] = $red['korisnicko_ime'];
                header('Location: index.php');
                echo "ELSE part of the code";                   // written
                echo "<p>$korisnickoIme";
                echo "<p>$lozinka <p>";
                echo '<span style="color: red;">Korisnicko ime ili lozinka nisu ispravni.</span><hr />';
        <form action="logovanje.php" method="POST">
                    <td>Korisnicko ime:</td>
                    <td><input type="text" name="korisnickoIme" /></td>
                    <td><input type="password" name="lozinka" /></td>
            <hr />
            <input type="submit" value="Prijavi se" name="prijaviSe" />





ELSE part of the code



Korisnicko ime ili lozinka nisu ispravni.

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Do this - replace this line:


         echo "ELSE part of the code";                   // written


         echo "ELSE part of the code - error message is: ".MySQL_error();   


Your query is not returning a result OR it completely failed.  The 'MySQL_error()' will tell us which one it is.

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