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Creating a load more button with instagram php api


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I am building a relatively small app in laravel.

Currently I am trying to create a load more button to load more images into a container in the view.

Would anyone know when clicking load more I get an internal server error?

Here is my set up:

View for my images:

$instagram = new Instagram\Instagram;

$token = $_SESSION['instagram_access_token'];
//$clientID = $_SESSION['client_id'];

$current_user = $instagram->getCurrentUser();
$tag = $instagram->getTag('folkclothing');
$media = $tag->getMedia(isset($_GET['max_tag_id']) ? array( 'max_tag_id' => $_GET['max_tag_id'] ) : null);

$liked_media = $current_user->getLikedMedia();
echo '<section id="images">';

foreach ( $media as $item ) {

echo '<article class="instagram-image">';
// define the form and set the action to POST to send the data to this script
echo '<form class="forms" action="'; echo URL::current(); echo '" method="post">';

$id = $item->getId();

echo '<a class="fancybox" href="' . $item->link . '"><img src="' . $item->images->standard_resolution->url . '" /></a>';
if ( $current_user->likes($item) ){
echo '<button class="ajax instabtn unlike icon-heart" type="submit" name="action" value="Unlike"></button>';
} else {
echo '<button class="ajax instabtn like icon-heart" type="submit" name="action" value="Like"></button>';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'; echo $id; echo '">';

echo '<p>'; echo $item->likes->count; echo '</p>';
//echo '<p>'.$item->getId().'</p>';
//echo '<p>By: <em>' . $item->user->username . '</em> </p>';
//echo '<p>Date: ' . date('d M Y h:i:s', $item->created_time) . '</p>';
//echo '<p>$item->comments->count . ' comment(s). ' . $item->likes->count . ' likes. ';

echo '</form>';
echo '</article>';
echo '</section>';

Here the instagram class generates the images and puts them into the div through a loop. Below is a load more button storing the data need in it.

Load more button:

echo "<br><button id=\"more\" data-maxid=\"{$media->getNextMaxTagId()}\" data-tag=\"{$tag}\">Load more ...</button>";

And then there is an ajax view that stores the relevant data for the images to be found for the next page:


// set up autoloader
function app_autoloader($class) {
include './' . $class . '.php';

// Initialize class for public requests
$instagram = new Instagram\Instagram;

// Receive AJAX request and create call object
$tag = $_GET['tag'];
$clientID = $instagram->getApiKey();

$media = $tag->getMedia(isset($_GET['max_tag_id']) ? array( 'max_tag_id' => $_GET['max_tag_id'] ) : null);

$call = new stdClass;
$call->next_max_id = $maxID;
$call->next_url = "https://api.instagram.com/v1/tags/{$tag}/media/recent?client_id={$clientID}&max_tag_id={$media->getNextMaxTagId()}";

// Receive new data
$media = $instagram->pagination($call);

// Collect everything for json output
$images = array();
foreach ($media->data as $data) {
$images[] = $data->images->standard_resolution->url;

echo json_encode(array(
'next_id' => $media->getNextMaxTagId,
'images' => $images

This page finds the tag and gets the media for that tag and finds the next_max_id. In my jquery I use and ajax call to get this data and load the images into my div but instead I get an internal server error like so:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) http://client:8888/ajax?tag=client&max_tag_id=1374869525975&_=137571153802

Does anyone have an idea why it would not produce the results? I know its not too far off.






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