abhivinay Posted August 18, 2013 Share Posted August 18, 2013 HI i have following file which look for License file and do encryption and decryption of contents then if matches it forward the DB queries . I want to bypass the license check but keep the functionality as it is . I am not php expert please help <?php class FreeSwitch{public $request = array( );public $cdr_variable = array( );public $auth_arry = array( );public $cdrlogdata = NULL;public $flag = 0;public $fh = NULL;public $fhquery = NULL;public $lstr = NULL;public $xmldata = NULL;public $return_array = array( );public $mac_addr = NULL;public $auth_key = "2513^%edpceswitchv#@)KHGTRESBGFCD(NH^%#@\$%^&*N{}IU?\\|!@gh!12412ast8765%432133df121212x1as21%#&*#&jdh1asa!kdgakjakssjdhshmhsyw092)8@#!@)*9&&%^-+\$#2fyFADhdjshdijs";public function GetAddress($os_type){switch( strtolower($os_type) ) {case "linux":$this->forLinux();break;case "solaris":break;case "unix":break;case "aix":break;default:$this->forWindows();break;}$temp_array = array( );foreach( $this->return_array as $value ) {if( preg_match("/[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][:-]" . "[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][:-]" . "[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][:-]" . "[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][:-]" . "[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][:-]" . "[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]/i", $value, $temp_array) ) {$this->mac_addr[] = $temp_array[0];}}unset($temp_array);return $this->mac_addr;}public function encrypt($string){$result = "";for( $i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++ ) {$char = substr($string, $i, 1);$keychar = substr($this->auth_key, $i % strlen($this->auth_key) - 1, 1);$char = chr(ord($char) + ord($keychar));$result .= $char;}return base64_encode($result);}public function decrypt($string){$result = "";$string = base64_decode($string);for( $i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++ ) {$char = substr($string, $i, 1);$keychar = substr($this->auth_key, $i % strlen($this->auth_key) - 1, 1);$char = chr(ord($char) - ord($keychar));$result .= $char;}return $result;}public function forWindows(){@exec("ipconfig /all", $this->return_array);if( $this->return_array ) {return $this->return_array;}$ipconfig = $_SERVER["WINDIR"] . "system32ipconfig.exe";if( is_file($ipconfig) ) {@exec($ipconfig . " /all", $this->return_array);}else{@exec($_SERVER["WINDIR"] . "systemipconfig.exe /all", $this->return_array);}return $this->return_array;}public function forLinux(){@exec("ifconfig ", $this->return_array);return $this->return_array;}public function manageKey(){$this->writelog($this->request["hostmac"]);if( file_exists("license") ) {$dump_linfo = file("license");$response = json_decode($this->decrypt($dump_linfo[0]));$this->GetAddress(PHP_OS);foreach( $response as $value ) {$linfo[] = trim($value);}$dt = date("Ymd");if( $linfo[2] <= $dt ) {return 0;}if( $linfo[3] == "00:00:00:00:00:00" ) {return 0;}if( in_array($linfo[3], $this->mac_addr) ) {$reg = $this->getRegNum();if( $reg < $linfo[0] ) {return 1;}return 0;}}return 0;}public function dialplanstatus(){$this->writelog($this->request["hostmac"]);if( file_exists("license") ) {$dump_linfo = file("license");$response = json_decode($this->decrypt($dump_linfo[0]));$this->GetAddress(PHP_OS);foreach( $response as $value ) {$linfo[] = trim($value);}$dt = date("Ymd");if( $linfo[2] <= $dt ) {return 0;}if( $linfo[3] == "00:00:00:00:00:00" ) {return 0;}if( in_array($linfo[3], $this->mac_addr) ) {$calls = $this->runningcall();if( $calls < $linfo[1] ) {return 1;}return 0;}}return 0;}public function runningcall(){$value = 0;$query = sprintf("SELECT count( DISTINCT uuid) FROM `live_activecall`");$this->db->query($query);$rs = $this->db->resultset();foreach( $rs[0] as $key => $value ) {return $value;}return $value;}public function logfile_open(){$this->fh = fopen(LOGFILE, "a");}public function logfile_openquery(){$this->fhquery = fopen(QUERYLOGFILE, "a");}public function writelogquey($log){$log = $log . "\n";fwrite($this->fhquery, $log);}public function writelog($log){date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Kolkata");$datestr = date("M d H:i:s");$log = "" . $datestr . " :: " . $log . "\n";fwrite($this->fh, $log);}public function set_requestdata($_REQUEST){$this->xmldata = serialize($_REQUEST);foreach( $_REQUEST as $key => $value ) {$this->lstr .= "" . "[" . $key . " : " . urldecode($value) . ]";$this->request[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string(trim(urldecode($value)));}}public function set_flag(){$this->flag = 1;}public function reset_flag(){$this->flag = 0;}public function blank_responce(){$this->responce = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n <document type=\"freeswitch/xml\">\n <section name=\"dialplan\" description=\"Regex/XML Dialplan\">\n <context name=\"default\"> \n <action application=\"info\"/>\n <action application=\"respond\" data=\"503\"/>\n <action application=\"hangup\"/>\n </context>\n </section>\n </document>";}public function get_cdrvariable($str){$str = json_decode(json_encode((array) simplexml_load_string($str)), 1);$this->xmldata = serialize($str);foreach( $str as $key => $value ){if( $key == "variables" && is_array($value) ){foreach( $value as $key1 => $value1 ){$this->cdr_variable[$key1] = mysql_real_escape_string(trim(urldecode($value1)));$this->cdrlogdata .= "" . "[" . $key1 . " : " . urldecode($value1) . "]";$this->cdrlogdata1 .= "" . $key1 . " : " . urldecode($value1) . "\n";}}}}public function minute_calculation($rate, $inittine, $credit){$this->timeout = intVal($credit / $rate);}public function getRegNum(){$value = 0;$query = sprintf("SELECT count(registrations.reg_user) FROM `registrations`");$this->db->query($query);$rs = $this->db->resultset();foreach( $rs[0] as $key => $value ){return $value;}return $value;}}?> Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/281294-license-file-validation-bypass/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
trq Posted August 18, 2013 Share Posted August 18, 2013 So you want us to hack someone elses code for you? Not going to happen. Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/281294-license-file-validation-bypass/#findComment-1445596 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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