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I have this import code and it works if I take the header out of the csv file, but I would like to keep the header in the file so I can keep a template for my co-workers to use so there is no issues with what columns are which.  Here is my code:

	/* Format the errors and die */
    function get_last_error() {
        $retErrors = sqlsrv_errors(SQLSRV_ERR_ALL);
        $errorMessage = 'No errors found';

        if ($retErrors != null) {
            $errorMessage = '';

            foreach ($retErrors as $arrError) {
                $errorMessage .= "SQLState: ".$arrError['SQLSTATE']."<br>\n";
                $errorMessage .= "Error Code: ".$arrError['code']."<br>\n";
                $errorMessage .= "Message: ".$arrError['message']."<br>\n";

        die ($errorMessage);

    /* connect */
    function connect() {
        if (!function_exists('sqlsrv_num_rows')) { // Insure sqlsrv_1.1 is loaded.
            die ('sqlsrv_1.1 is not available');

        /* Log all Errors */
        sqlsrv_configure("WarningsReturnAsErrors", TRUE);        // BE SURE TO NOT ERROR ON A WARNING
        sqlsrv_configure("LogSubsystems", SQLSRV_LOG_SYSTEM_ALL);
        sqlsrv_configure("LogSeverity", SQLSRV_LOG_SEVERITY_ALL);

        include '/includes/db_connect.php';

        if ($connection === FALSE) {

        return $connection;

    function query($connection, $query) {
        $result = sqlsrv_query($connection, $query);
        if ($result === FALSE) {
        return $result;

    /* Prepare a reusable query (prepare/execute) */
    function prepare ( $connection, $query, $params ) {
        $result = sqlsrv_prepare($connection, $query, $params);
        if ($result === FALSE) {
        return $result;

    do the deed. once prepared, execute can be called multiple times
    getting different values from the variable references.
    function execute ( $stmt ) {
        $result = sqlsrv_execute($stmt);
        if ($result === FALSE) {
        return $result;

    function fetch_array($query) {
        $result = sqlsrv_fetch_array($query, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC);
        if ($result === FALSE) {
        return $result;

    $connection = connect();

    /* prepare the statement */
    $query = "INSERT Records values ( ? , ? , ? )";
    $param1 = null; // this will hold col1 from the CSV
    $param2 = null; // this will hold col2 from the CSV
	$param3 = null; // this will hold col3 from the CSV
    $params = array( &$param1, &$param2, &$param3 );
    $prep = prepare ( $connection, $query, $params );
    // $result = execute ( $prep );

    //get the csv file 
    $file = $_FILES["importrecords"]["tmp_name"]; 
    Here is where you read in and parse your CSV file into an array.
    That may get too large, so you would have to read smaller chunks of rows.

    $csv_array = file($file);
	$_SESSION['records_row_count'] = 0;
    foreach ($csv_array as $row_num => $row) {
        $row = trim ($row);
        $column = explode ( ',' , $row );
        $param1 = $column[0];
        $param2 = $column[1];
		$param3 = $column[2];

        // insert the row
        $result = execute ( $prep );
/* Free statement and connection resources. */

header( "Location: import.php?successrecords=1" );

How would I accomplish leaving the header in the csv file but skipping on the import?  I tried adding a count, but that didn't work.  Thanks for the help in advance!

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