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Form Action Not Working

Go to solution Solved by jazzman1,

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I have 3 forms, form1.php, form2.php, form3.php...and I have three PHP pages to process each form, process1.php, process2.php, process3.php.
No matter what I put in the form action="process3.php" ...all three forms get processed by process1.php.  Any idea why the forms are processed by the first one?


The form part of FORM1.PHP:

           <form action="" method="get" id="contactForm" >
            	<table width="630" border="0" align="center">
                    <td width="180" id="firstName">First Name<sup>*</sup></td>
                    <td><input name="first_name" type="text" id="firstNameVal" value="" size="60" maxlength="50" /></td>
                    <td id="lastName">Last Name<sup>*</sup></td>
                    <td><input name="last_name" type="text" id="lastNameVal" value="" size="60" maxlength="50" /></td>
                    <td>Home Phone</td>
                    <td><input name="home_phone" id="phone" type="text" value="" size="60" maxlength="50" /></td>
                    <td>Cell Phone</td>
                    <td><input name="cell_phone" id="cellphone" type="text" value="" size="60" maxlength="50" /></td>
                    <td id="email1">Email Address<sup>*</sup></td>
                    <td><input name="email1" id="emailVal1" type="text" value="" size="60" maxlength="50" /></td>
                    <td id="email2">Confirm Email Address<sup>*</sup></td>
                    <td><input name="email2" id="emailVal2" type="text" value="" size="60" maxlength="50" /></td>
                    <td>Requested Property</td>
                    <td><input name="requested_property" type="text" value="" size="60" maxlength="50" /></td>
                   	<td valign="top">Comments</td>
                    <td><textarea name="comments" cols="53" rows="15"></textarea></td>
                   	<td> </td>
                    <td style="width: 300px;">
                      <div id="error" style="color: #b94a48; background-color: #f2dede; border-color: #eed3d7; padding: 10px; ">
                        <ul id="errors" class="">  
                         <li id="info">There were some problems with your form submission:</li>  
                      <div id="success" style="padding: 10px;  color: #468847; background-color: #dff0d8; border-color: #d6e9c6;"><p>Thanks for your message!<br/>We will get back to you ASAP!</p></div>
                    <td> </td>
                   	<td style="width:250px;"><input id="sendData" name="Submit" type="button" value="Submit" />  <input name="Reset" type="Reset" value="Reset" /></td>                  


header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
if( isset($_GET) ){
	//form validation vars
	$formok = true;
	$errors = array();
	//sumbission data
	$ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
	$date = date('d/m/Y');
	$time = date('H:i:s');
	//form data

	//validate name is not empty
		$formok = false;
		$errors[] = "You have not entered a first name";
	//validate name is not empty
		$formok = false;
		$errors[] = "You have not entered a last name";
	//validate email address is not empty
		$formok = false;
		$errors[] = "You have not entered an email address";
	//validate email address is valid
	}elseif(!filter_var($email1, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){
		$formok = false;
		$errors[] = "You have not entered a valid email address";

	//validate email address is not empty
		$formok = false;
		$errors[] = "You have not entered an email address";
	//validate email address is valid
	}elseif(!filter_var($email2, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){
		$formok = false;
		$errors[] = "You have not entered a valid email address";

	if($email1 != $email2){
	  $formok = false;
	  $errors[] = "Emails are not equal";	

	//send email if all is ok
		$for = 'info@xxx.com';		//'info@xxx.com';		
		$title = "Form Title";
		$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
		$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
		$emailbody = "<p>You have recieved a new message from the contact form on your website.</p>		              
					  <p><strong>First name: </strong> {$first_name} </p>
					  <p><strong>Last name: </strong> {$last_name}</p>
					  <p><strong>Home phone: </strong> {$home_phone}</p>					 
					  <p><strong>Cell phone: </strong> {$cell_phone}</p>					 
					  <p><strong>Email: </strong> {$email1}</p>					 
					  <p><strong>Requested property: </strong> {$requested_property}</p>					 
					  <p><strong>Comments: </strong> {$comments}</p>					 
					  <p>This message was sent from the IP Address: {$ipaddress} on {$date} at {$time}</p>";
		$headers .= 'From: XXX <info@xxx.ca>'."\r\n";				

		$for = $email1;		
		$title = "Form Title";
		$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
		$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
		$emailbody = "<p>Thanks for your message!<br>We will get back to you ASAP!</p>					 
					  <p>This message was sent from the IP Address: {$ipaddress} on {$date} at {$time}</p>";
		$headers .= 'From: XXX <no-reply@xxx.ca>'."\r\n";				
	//what we need to return back to our form
	$returndata = array(
		'posted_form_data' => array(
			'name' => $name,
			'email' => $email,
			'telephone' => $telephone,
			'enquiry' => $enquiry,
			'message' => $message
		'form_ok' => $formok,
		'errors' => $errors
	//if this is not an ajax request
	if(empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) !== 'xmlhttprequest'){
		//set session variables
		$_SESSION['cf_returndata'] = $returndata;
		//redirect back to form
		header('location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
    $js_array = json_encode($errors);
	echo $js_array;

Thanks! Craig

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The only javascript is this bit at the bottom of the page. The rest of the page only contains include files, and these include files are straight html for the header and footer.

  <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.0.min.js"></script>
  <script src="js/jquery.maskedinput.min.js"></script>  
  <script src="js/custom.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
     $("#phone").mask("999 999 9999");
     $("#cellphone").mask("999 999 9999");
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  • Solution

What happens if you change:

<input id="sendData" name="Submit" type="button" value="Submit" />


<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

Because, I don't see where is your submit type.


Or, if you want to use a httml button element:

<button name="button" type="submit">Click me</button>
Edited by jazzman1
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