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hi, how can i collect all the vaues of all the ltotal text boxes created and add them together?

  var column5 = row_in_table.insertCell(5);
			column5.setAttribute("align", "center"); 
            var element5 = document.createElement("input");

            element5.setAttribute("name", "ltotal[]");
			element5.setAttribute("id", "ltotal" + '-' + i);
			element5.setAttribute("value", ""); 
			element5.setAttribute("size", "7"); 
			element5.type = "text";


//counter + 1           
		   i += 1;


// End Of Labour Table

//Calculate Labour
    function filllabour(aa) {
	//Parse aa
	var the_string = aa;
	var parts = the_string.split('-', 2);

		// After calling split(), 'parts' is an array with two elements:
		// parts[0] is 'left or -'
		// parts[1] is 'right of -'

	var the_text = parts[0];
	var the_num  = parts[1];
	//Parse aa

	var dblQuantity = document.getElementById('lqlabour-' + the_num).value-0;
	var curRate = document.getElementById("llabour-" + the_num).value-0;
	var curRateHelper = document.getElementById("lhelper-" + the_num).value-0;
	var dblMarkup = document.getElementById("lmarkup-" + the_num).value-0;
	var curTotal = parseFloat(dblMarkup) / 100.0;
	llinetotal = ((dblQuantity * curRate) + (dblQuantity * curRateHelper)) * (1 + curTotal);
	llinetotal = llinetotal.toFixed(2);
    document.getElementById("ltotal-" + the_num).value = llinetotal;
	//document.getElementById(the_num).value = ("test");
	document.getElementById("labourtotal").value = aa;
//Calculate Labour
// referencing the text box
var text_box = document.getElementById('text_box');

// getting the value. We use the annoying alert window method for testing purposes.


If that is what you are looking for...

You need to create a function which will locate all the desired textboxes and then loop through them totaling the values. Then just call that function from whatever events you want to trigger the summation. If you use jQuery, this would be fairly easy to do:

function sumInputs(){
   var total = 0;
      total += +ele.value;

If you are not (and/or dont want to) use jQuery, you'd need to write a bit more code to locate the correct elements, and use a for loop to go through them. Something like document.getElementsByTagName('input') to get each input, then a for loop and test each input's name to see if it matches "ltotal[]" and if so, add it's value to the total.
This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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