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2 DOMDocument Questions

Go to solution Solved by requinix,

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Hi i'm new to PHP and the forum. I am working on a email script. In it I am using the following to highlight any Input values the user forgot to fill in.

$html = file_get_contents("page.html");
$document = new DOMDocument();
if (empty($_POST['txtEmail'])) { 
$document->getElementById('email')->setAttribute('style', "color: #ff0000");
} else { 
$document->getElementById('txtEmail')->setAttribute('value', $_POST['txtEmail']);

I have two questions...


1). I read print_r should be used primarily for debugging. Should I save the html changes to file and then navigate to that file.. Something like:

header('Location: http://www.domain.com/somepage.html');

Or is there in fact a better, or more suitable, way using only PHP?


2). In my snippet I can update the color of a Label element if a value is missing, or populate the previous Post value if it was present (but a different required value was missing). But how would I go about selecting the option of a Select element? e.g. if my html was:

<label id="title"><span class="fieldname">Title:</span>
<select id="txtTitle" name="txtTitle">
  <option value="">Select</option>
  <option value="DR">Dr </option>
  <option value="MR">Mr</option>
  <option value="MRS">Mrs</option>
  <option value="MS">Ms</option>
  <option value="MISS">Miss</option>
  <option value="OTHER">Other</option>

and the post data of txtTitle was "Mr", how would I select Mr in the DomDocument e.g. how would I ammend this line:

<option value="MR">Mr</option>

to this:

<option value="MR" selected="selected">Mr</option>

Hope I was clear.

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1. print_r() is only for debugging. Not "primarily". Only. It's a string. Just output the string with an echo or print.

2. Find the appropriate

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1). Thanks

2). Can you tell me where I am going wrong on this loop:

$element = $document->getElementById('txtTitle');
$options = $element->getElementsByTagName("option");
foreach($options as $option) {
    if ($option->textContent = $_POST['txtTitle']) {        
        $option->setAttribute("selected", "selected");

The resulting html has an empty "selected" attribute on every Option tag.

Edited by jay20aiii
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