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pass input to variable

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I know this topic has been hit, I've read answers to similar issues between this site and stackoverflow but for some reason it doesn't seem to want to work and I feel like I'm missing a very small part of the puzzle.

The error I'm getting is that the variable "pass" is not found.




$lifetime = 86400;
session_set_cookie_params($lifetime, '/');
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>Web Survey</title>
                <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet"></link>
<style type="text/css">
body {padding-top: 115px;}
.main p {margin-left: 45px;}
                h3 {margin-left:45px;}
<h1>Appendix D:</h1>
<div class="main">
  <p class="intro">Text</p>
<form action ="images.php" method="post">
         <h3><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Begin" class="button"/>  Code:
                        <input type="text" name="pass" size="2"/><br />
                            if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
                                $_SESSION['pass'] = $_POST['pass'];
    if ($_SESSION['pass'] == 00001) {
    $_SESSION['version'] = "version1"; }
    else if ($_SESSION['pass'] == 00002) {
    $_SESSION['version'] = "version2"; }
    else if ($_SESSION['pass'] == 00003) {
    $_SESSION['version'] = "version3";}
    $version = $_SESSION['version'];
    $picture1 = "images/".$version."/1.jpg";
    $picture2 = "images/".$version."/2.jpg";
    $picture3 = "images/".$version."/3.jpg";
    $picture4 = "images/".$version."/4.jpg";
<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet">
<img src="" name="Rotating" id="Rotating" width=800 height=700>
<script language="JavaScript">
var ImageArr1 = new Array("<?php echo $picture1; ?>","<?php echo $picture2; ?>","<?php echo $picture3; ?>","<?php echo $picture4; ?>");
var ImageHolder1 = document.getElementById('Rotating');

function RotateImages(whichHolder,Start)
var a = eval("ImageArr"+whichHolder);
     var b = eval("ImageHolder"+whichHolder);
     b.src = a[Start];
I'm still learning php, I went through the Mike Murach php book, it's pretty good but doesn't really seem to help that much in this area.  It seems that when I post the index.php form, it should store the variable in the session using
                            if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
                                $_SESSION['pass'] = $_POST['pass'];
so that I can call it in images.php.  For some reason, though, 'pass' doesn't seem to be stored at all.  What step am I missing?
Edited by Maq
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I know this topic has been hit, I've read answers to similar issues between this site and stackoverflow but for some reason it doesn't seem to want to work and I feel like I'm missing a very small part of the puzzle.

The error I'm getting is that the variable "pass" is not found.




$lifetime = 86400;
session_set_cookie_params($lifetime, '/');
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>Web Survey</title>
                <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet"></link>
<style type="text/css">
body {padding-top: 115px;}
.main p {margin-left: 45px;}
                h3 {margin-left:45px;}
<h1>Appendix D:</h1>
<div class="main">
  <p class="intro">Text</p>
<form action ="images.php" method="post">
         <h3><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Begin" class="button"/>  Code:
                        <input type="text" name="pass" size="2"/><br />
                            if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
                                $_SESSION['pass'] = $_POST['pass'];
    if ($_SESSION['pass'] == 00001) {
    $_SESSION['version'] = "version1"; }
    else if ($_SESSION['pass'] == 00002) {
    $_SESSION['version'] = "version2"; }
    else if ($_SESSION['pass'] == 00003) {
    $_SESSION['version'] = "version3";}
    $version = $_SESSION['version'];
    $picture1 = "images/".$version."/1.jpg";
    $picture2 = "images/".$version."/2.jpg";
    $picture3 = "images/".$version."/3.jpg";
    $picture4 = "images/".$version."/4.jpg";
<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet">
<img src="" name="Rotating" id="Rotating" width=800 height=700>
<script language="JavaScript">
var ImageArr1 = new Array("<?php echo $picture1; ?>","<?php echo $picture2; ?>","<?php echo $picture3; ?>","<?php echo $picture4; ?>");
var ImageHolder1 = document.getElementById('Rotating');

function RotateImages(whichHolder,Start)
var a = eval("ImageArr"+whichHolder);
     var b = eval("ImageHolder"+whichHolder);
     b.src = a[Start];
I'm still learning php, I went through the Mike Murach php book, it's pretty good but doesn't really seem to help that much in this area.  It seems that when I post the index.php form, it should store the variable in the session using
                            if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
                                $_SESSION['pass'] = $_POST['pass'];
so that I can call it in images.php.  For some reason, though, 'pass' doesn't seem to be stored at all.  What step am I missing?


It won't exist the first time you go to the page. As soon as you submit your form it will. So you'll need to check that your for has been submitted before trying to process $_POST['pass'].


Something like

if(isset($_POST['yourfieldname'])) { 
   // do your processing here 
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Thanks Maq; sorry I'm a first time poster here.  I can usually find the answers somewhere so I've never needed to post.

Also, thanks for the response taquitosensei.  I tried moving the process to index.php and run it all together before it moves to the next page.

<form action ="images.php" method="post">         <h3><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Begin" class="button"/>  Code:                        <input type="text" name="pass" size="2"/><br />                        <?php                            if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {                                $_SESSION['pass'] = $_POST['pass'];                            if ($_SESSION['pass'] == 00001) {                                $_SESSION['version'] = "version1"; }                            else if ($_SESSION['pass'] == 00002) {                                $_SESSION['version'] = "version2"; }                            else if ($_SESSION['pass'] == 00003) {                                $_SESSION['version'] = "version3";}                            }                        ?></h3></form>


I think I'm misunderstanding something.  You said to make sure that I'm not trying to use 'pass' until after the form is submitted; but it seems like I'm doing that.


if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {    $_SESSION['pass'] = $_POST['pass'];    ...ect...      }


The sessions seem to be working fine; if I declare 'pass' at the beginning of index.php, then it follows throughout the session.  It's just not wanting to save as a variable when I try to declare it after posting the page.


btw; did I do the tags right this time?

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This code works:


<?php$lifetime = 86400;session_set_cookie_params($lifetime, '/');session_start();        $_SESSION['pass'] = '00003';?><!DOCTYPE html><body><form action ="images.php" method="post">         <h3><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Begin" class="button"/>  Code:                        <input type="text" name="pass" size="2"/><br />                        <?php                            if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {                                $_SESSION['pass'] = $_POST['pass'];                            }    if ($_SESSION['pass'] == 00001) {        $_SESSION['version'] = "version1"; }    else if ($_SESSION['pass'] == 00002) {        $_SESSION['version'] = "version2"; }    else if ($_SESSION['pass'] == 00003) {        $_SESSION['version'] = "version3";}                        ?></form></body></html>

But that is giving the variable a static value.  If I try to replace
 $_SESSION['pass'] = '00003'; 

 if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) {     $_SESSION['pass'] = $_POST['pass']; } 

then it breaks it.
Edited by enjiel
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