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PHP & MySQL Help


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I'm relatively new to the whole PHP and MySQL thing.


As part of a university assignment, I have to create a simple events page using both PHP and MySQL. It's safe to say that I'm completely useless at the whole thing as I am studying Computer Networking, not databases/web design.


I aim to chose to create a football fixture website, where users are able to select a league, a team from that league and then for the website to generate a table of fixtures and results based on their choices


I'm wondering if there is anyone out there who would be kind enough to help me create the site as I've been working on basic things such as creating a PHP login/registration as part of the site for days and I've had absolutely no luck. I've watched tutorials on YouTube and I'm still getting errors etc. 


Thanks very much!

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Hi PLAnceley,


I assume you are new to the forums and just to remind you that "can you do ____ for me" is frowned upon in this community. A better approach to help resolve your issue is to post your snippets of code that you are having trouble debugging, and the forum members can assist you in fixing those problems.

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You signed up for a class (required or otherwise) and haven't done the learning part and want us to do your homework?


Send me your professor's name and address and I'll tell him/her that the school is too demanding for you and that you should be excused from having to do any actual learning.  No charge!

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