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okay..i am assuming you are trying to do something like this (since you (still) haven't shown you're code):

$board_vars = array($board_id, $board_name, $board_description);
foreach ($board_vars as $val) {
  echo $val;

is that about what you're code looks like? Then do this:

$board_vars = array($board_id, $board_name, $board_description);
foreach ($board_vars as $val) {
  echo "$val </br>";

I'm not tryin' to be rude or nothin'. You just need to show your code if you expect people to accurately help with the problem. 

P.s. - I still insist that it is not a php but an html problem.  Unless you have some conditions or something that prevents your (tried) html code from being output: but again, show some code.
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i did show you the code ;)

[code]while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($board_query)){
$board_id .= $row['id'];
$board_name .= $row['Board'];
$board_description .= $row['Description'];
$board_vars = array($board_id, $board_name, $board_description);[/code]

that is what the function does ;)

now adding a br tag will just make the output worse.

example of it is:

<a href="link.php?id=1(newline)2(newline)3(newline)">link1(newline)link2(newline)link3(newline)</a>

it all should be it's own link, which is my present issue.

the full code is too lengthy to post here so im only posting the code thats causing the problem.
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If you want each row to createe a separate link then your whole while loop is wrong. It should be like this:

[code]while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($board_query)){
$board_id = $row['id'];
$board_name = $row['Board'];
$board_description = $row['Description'];

echo '<a href="link.php?id=' . $board_id . '">' . $board_name . '</a><br />';
echo '<span style="font-size: small">' . $board_description . '</span><br /><br />';


That should now print out a link for each board with its description.
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