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Universal link


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Whats wrong with this? Basically I'm trying to create a universal link for people logged into go to their profile named profile.php. I want the code to grab their id and then take them to their specific profile page like <a href="profile.php?id=idhere">My profiel</a>. So here is the code I have but it doesnt work:



mysql_connect('localhost', '732936', 'jackfinley3000') or die ($error);
mysql_select_db('732936') or die ('$error');
$query = "SELECT * FROM `732963`'" or die('mysql_error()');
$info = mysql_fetch_array($query);
<div id="secmenu">
<ul id="nav">
<li><a href="profile.php?id=<?php echo $info; ?>">My profile</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Packs</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Freinds</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Cirlce</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Private Messages</a></li>
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It is obvious you have ABSOLUTELY NO KNOWLEDGE of anything you are doing here. Try a book.

First: Why is it obvious? I'm learning, don't you have to start from somewhere?

Second: I have been reading a book, 'PHP and MYSQL for dynamic websites' by Larry Ulman. 

Thirdly: I was only asking for a little bit of help, now please could you spare a minute to give some instead of telling me how useless I am?

Edited by JackCode
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Why is it so obvious?


1 - you select a db with a numeric name - very unusual IMHO.

2 - then you query a table that is named the same as the db - also very unusual.

3 - you write a query that has no criteria in it to get the specific record you need

4 - then you attempt to access the results of a query but you're feeding it a query string

5 - then you attempt to echo the resource supposedly returned from your (non-executed) query, but again you are providing the query string


So - I'd say it's pretty obvious.


Read your book; learn how to use the mysqli functions in php; then attempt this code again. With so much wrong with your code it is meaningless for us to offer you assistance.


And - learn how to spell too! You'll make a better impression.

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Why is it so obvious?


1 - you select a db with a numeric name - very unusual IMHO.

2 - then you query a table that is named the same as the db - also very unusual.

3 - you write a query that has no criteria in it to get the specific record you need

4 - then you attempt to access the results of a query but you're feeding it a query string

5 - then you attempt to echo the resource supposedly returned from your (non-executed) query, but again you are providing the query string


So - I'd say it's pretty obvious.


Read your book; learn how to use the mysqli functions in php; then attempt this code again. With so much wrong with your code it is meaningless for us to offer you assistance.


And - learn how to spell too! You'll make a better impression.


Thanks, that was a little more helpful. 


Here's my answer to your questions:


1. I was given these database info by my PHPmyadmin host. 

2. Same as above.

3. OK, thanks but I thought by default it chooses the top row which for me is default, so I don't need to have a criteria.

4. OK, thank you, but I got this from: http://php.about.com/od/phpwithmysql/ss/mysql_php_2.htm

5. OK, then could you tell me an alternative?


Thanks, I am in the process of learning.


Spell? I can spell perfectly fine thanks, at least I know how to use grammar properly as-well. Anyway, I'm not trying to gain a better impression, I'm trying to learn how to programme in PHP.

Edited by JackCode
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Sorry - but you're digging yourself in deeper.


1 - your grammer is not good. Check your uses of tense in your last post... tsk, tsk.


2 - examples of your perfect spelling:


<li><a href="#">Freinds</a></li>

<li><a href="#">Cirlce</a></li>


3 - if your isp is providing you such great help, ask them for more.


Sorry - I've done enough here.

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That's just it though - you need much more than "simple help". As I said before - read a book - learn the old fashioned way. When you get something developed that resembles good code and need some help, then we'll be more than willing to help.


BTW - nice try on your spelling corrections but you still have it wrong. tsk, tsk.


At 13, perhaps you should be concentrating more on school - reading, writing, arithmetic, and such instead of trying to learn programming. Those things will get you much farther in this world than learning how to program. Spelling too!

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Happy now?


Why so picky about such little things, its not a formal forum is it? I just asked for some simple help...


Hi JackCode, 


some little help here I will try to provide.


1. When creating a database table make sure the name is meaningful and analogous with the tables it contains. The table structure should be human readable, I think you'll find it that the entire purpose of high-level languages and relational database management systems was to make things easier for the programmer, and less tedious. If your database contains records for a Blog, then make sure you use the right prefixes, table names, and fields.


2. You seem have to grasped the right idea here but you need a little push further with the way you are handling your access to database records. Firstly I would create a config.php file and place my database connection/site wide configuration inside it, then include the file in a bootstrap file which loads the views of my site, this way the connection is always available through out my site, albeit though there are better ways to do this. Or simple include the config.php on the pages where you require database connectivity.


3. Your $query is fine but it can be fixed to grab only the records which will lighten the burden on server/compiler/interpreters which lies behind the abstraction.


for example:

SELECT `id`,`name`,`email`
FROM   `table_name`

4. I suggest you look into what type of value the mysql_query function returns, because it seems as your just calling an Array object without a specific index. in your case, if you have a field named 'id' in your table then you would invoke the index on the array to $info['id']

Edited by GetFreaky
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