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contact.php error


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I am getting some output errors after simply amending a text link on this page;


The output can be seen on the page above. The full code for the contact.php page is here;

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
	return $dec_color;
	function generateCode($characters) {
		/* list all possible characters, similar looking characters and vowels have been removed */
		$possible = '23456789bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyz'; 
		$code = '';
		$i = 0;
		while ($i < $characters) { 
			$code .= substr($possible, mt_rand(0, strlen($possible)-1), 1);
		return $code;
	function CaptchaImage($width='400',$height='30',$characters='5',$hex_bg_color='FFFFFF',$hex_text_color="FF0000",$hex_noise_color="CC0000", $img_file='captcha.jpg') {
		$code = $this->generateCode($characters);
		/* font size will be 60% of the image height */
		$font_size = $height * 0.60;
		$image = @imagecreate($width, $height) or die('Cannot Initialize new GD image stream');
		/* set the colours */
		$background_color = imagecolorallocate($image, $rgb_bg_color['r'], $rgb_bg_color['g'],$rgb_bg_color['b']);
		$text_color = imagecolorallocate($image, $rgb_text_color['r'], $rgb_text_color['g'],$rgb_text_color['b']);
		$noise_color = imagecolorallocate($image, $rgb_noise_color['r'], $rgb_noise_color['g'],$rgb_noise_color['b']);
		/* generate random dots in background */
		for( $i=0; $i<($width*$height)/3; $i++ ) {
			imagefilledellipse($image, mt_rand(0,$width), mt_rand(0,$height), 1, 1, $noise_color);
		/* generate random lines in background */
		for( $i=0; $i<($width*$height)/150; $i++ ) {
			imageline($image, mt_rand(0,$width), mt_rand(0,$height), mt_rand(0,$width), mt_rand(0,$height), $noise_color);
		/* create textbox and add text */
		$textbox = imagettfbbox($font_size, 0, $this->font, $code);
		$x = ($width - $textbox[4])/2;
		$y = ($height - $textbox[5])/2;
		imagettftext($image, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $text_color, $this->font , $code);
		/* save the image */
		echo "<img id="\"captchaImg\"" alt="\"security" src="\"$img_file?".time()."\"" />";
		$_SESSION['captcha_code'] = $code;


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Just cannot figure out what happened and after asking my hosting company and getting ignored i really need some help please.

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The open PHP tag goes after the <body> tag here:



Note that there are a number of other errors. However, some of those errors may be caused by where you got the code from. Did you copy the code from the original file? The reason I ask is the following line uses < instead of >

while ($i < $characters) {
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the php code you have posted has also been passed through htmlentities or perhaps you copied the view source from where it was published rather than the actual text on the page where it was published.


in any case, that's not functional php code, unless you go through and fix all the <, >, &, ", and ' characters.


perhaps if you explain exactly what you started with and what exactly you did or changed in the file to get to this point?


p.s. things you change in code on a server isn't you web host's problem. they are not going to be able or willing to help you.

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The open PHP tag goes after the <body> tag here:


Note that there are a number of other errors. However, some of those errors may be caused by where you got the code from. Did you copy the code from the original file? The reason I ask is the following line uses < instead of >

while ($i < $characters) {


you mean like this;

<body><?php hexdec(substr($hexcolor,0,2)),'g'=>hexdec(substr($hexcolor,2,2)),'b'=>hexdec(substr($hexcolor,4,2)));
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You got it. Note that you'll probably still get errors, but that's a good start. :)


when i did the above the page just disappeared again.


This form/contact form was built a few years ago, its just a form and captcha script. I do not have the slightest clue about php, always willing to learn thou. I remember just downloading the script and following the instructions with copy paste and some minor line tweaks. I actually just found out that i had not even edited this file. I amended some other files on the server and not this one but somehow it has a bug.


I removed the change above as the page disappeared and people will not then be able to see the page to help. So it is back where i started.

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when i did the above the page just disappeared again.


This form/contact form was built a few years ago, its just a form and captcha script. I do not have the slightest clue about php, always willing to learn thou. I remember just downloading the script and following the instructions with copy paste and some minor line tweaks. I actually just found out that i had not even edited this file. I amended some other files on the server and not this one but somehow it has a bug.


I removed the change above as the page disappeared and people will not then be able to see the page to help. So it is back where i started.


I also appreciate there may be other errors in the code, it might be old and i certainly did not write it.

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the php code later in the page has also had the leading and trailing < > converted into html comments <-- and -->.


the question now becomes HOW did you edit this page? it looks like you used some sort of web based wysiwyg comment form and ALL the php code in it is no longer valid php.


I know its not even funny! i host with heart internet and all i did was right click on the conact.php file and amend one line of text, but it seems i never even changed anything so i just right clicked to edit and then exited and the WYSIWYG system replaced the code!


I am only getting one line of code displaying now, http://www.locus-capital.com/contact.php on that page; "; $_SESSION['captcha_code'] = $code; } } ?>

but i will look into the other converted characters you told me about... thanks.

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the php code later in the page has also had the leading and trailing < > converted into html comments <-- and -->.


the question now becomes HOW did you edit this page? it looks like you used some sort of web based wysiwyg comment form and ALL the php code in it is no longer valid php.


You mean these lines? see below

<!--?php $captcha = new CaptchaImage(400,50,5,'ffffff','339966','ffffff');?--><br /></td> 
                        <td><br /></td> 
                        <td><span class="form-col1">Enter Code:</span> <input type="text" name="code" /> <!--?php echo $captcha_msg ?-->

could this be why i am getting this message at the top of the page?

"; $_SESSION['captcha_code'] = $code; } } ?>
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