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1 product multiple prices and flavors

piet bieruik

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Hi everyone,

After a long time im starting again with php and mysql

i still have my doubts about the layout of the mysql tables

I have a product

1. shake 1
2. 500gram
3. 26,50

4.banaan chocolate

But i have the same shake.

but a different price with different flavors

1. shake 2
2. 750 gram
3. 28.90

4. strawberry, mango, vanilla

What is the best way to construct the tables?
This is the site:

Thanks Piet,

Edited by piet bieruik
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Is it just me or is it that the amount and price vary based on the flavor? Table 1 for the shake by itself, and table 2 for the flavor, amount, and price - and a foreign key to the shake.


id | whatever
 1 | shake 1
 2 | shake 2

flavors? or maybe product variants?

id | amount | price | flavor     | product
 1 |    500 | 26,50 | banana     |       1
 2 |    500 | 26,50 | chocolate  |       1
 3 |    750 | 28,90 | strawberry |       2
 4 |    750 | 28,90 | mango      |       2
 5 |    750 | 28,90 | vanilla    |       2
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I would interpret the "type" of shake as one that has multiple ingredients. So, a pinacolada would have coconut and pineapple. If that is the case, the tables might look more like below. This assumes that each product will have the same sizes available




id | whatever |
 1 | shake 1  |
 2 | shake 2  |

ingredients (a list of all possible ingredinets)

id | ingredient
 1 |  banana   
 2 |  chocolate
 3 |  strawberry
 4 |  mango     
 5 |  vanilla   

product_ingredients (which ingredients go with which shake)

id | prod_id | ingredient_id
 1    1         1
 2    1         2
 3    2         3
 4    2         4
 5    2         5

product_prices (the available sizes for each product and the price)

id | prod_id | size | price
 1 |  1      | 500 | 26,50
 2 |  2      | 500 | 26,50
 3 |  1      | 750 | 28,90
 4 |  2      | 750 | 28,90
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i have on stock:


1. whey protein prof

920 gram.




2. whey protein prof





but i have also the same shakes but different weight(ofcourse different price) and sometimes a different flavor.



3. whey protein prof




4. whey protein prof






maby like:


id | name |price | size |falvor_id


1 | shake 1 |26,50 | 920gram|1,3

2 | shake 2 |90,00 |5000gram|2,3,6

Edited by piet bieruik
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That is one way NOT to do it.


I'd go with something like this

| id  | description        |
|  1  | Shake              |
|  2  | Whey protein prof  |
   |                                                               Flavour
   +---------------------------+                                   +----+-----------------+
                               |                                   | id | flavour         |   
                      Price    |                                   +----+-----------------+
                      +----+---------+------+---------+            |  1 | Banana          |
                      | id | prod_id | size |  price  |            |  2 | Chocolate       |
                      +----+---------+------+---------+            |  3 | Mango           |
                      |  1 |    1    |  500 |   26.50 |            |  4 | Strawberry      |
                      |  2 |    1    |  750 |   28.90 |            |  5 | Vanilla         |
                      |  3 |    2    |  920 |   26.50 |            +----+-----------------+
                      |  4 |    2    | 5000 |  115.50 |               |
                      +----+---------+------+---------+               |
                         |                                            |
                         +-----------------------------------+        |
                                                             |        |
                                                   Available |        |
                                                   | id |price_id| flav_id |
                                                   |  1 |    1   |    1    |
                                                   |  2 |    1   |    2    |
                                                   |  3 |    2   |    3    |
                                                   |  4 |    2   |    4    |
                                                   |  5 |    2   |    5    |
                                                   |  6 |    3   |    1    |
                                                   |  7 |    3   |    4    |
                                                   |  8 |    4   |    2    |
                                                   |  9 |    4   |    4    |

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SELECT p.description
    , pr.size
    , GROUP_CONCAT(f.flavour SEPARATOR ', ') as flavours
    , pr.price
    FROM product p
        INNER JOIN price pr ON p.id = pr.prod_id
        INNER JOIN available a ON pr.id = a.price_id
        INNER JOIN flavour f ON a.flav_id = f.id
    GROUP BY p.description, pr.size

which should give something like this (no data so not tested)

| description          | size     | flavours                                | price   | 
| Shake                |   500    | Banana, Chocolate                       |   26.50 |
| Shake                |   750    | Mango, Strawberry, Vanilla              |   28.90 |
| Whey protein prof    |   920    | Banana, Strawberry                      |   26.50 |
| Whey protein prof    |  5000    | Chocolate, Strawberry                   |  115.50 |
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