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Returning 2 digits in the following code

Go to solution Solved by Barand,

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Below is some PHP code that looks at a DB and outputs a value within the user declared time and date period, via user recall using a web app attached to it. The code is rounding the numbers but I want it to include 2 of the decimal places. The original numbers in the DB have up to 5 decimal digits. This code is making them whole numbers. i would like to include the first 2 digits. I suspect the float should somehow be float(2) . Not sure how to do that.


thanks in advance





SELECT cdate, datepart(hh, cdate) as trans_hour, datepart(mi, cdate) as trans_minute, comm_id,

max(cast(total_full_energy_b AS FLOAT)/1000) * meter_multiplier AS totalUsage, meter_multiplier

FROM [radiogates].[dbo].[purge_data] LEFT OUTER JOIN [radiogates].[dbo].[ops_invoice] on [radiogates].[dbo].[purge_data].[comm_id] = [radiogates].[dbo].[ops_invoice].[meter_id]

where comm_id='$comm_id' and meter_multiplier is not null

group by comm_id, cdate, meter_multiplier


SELECT top 1 *, datepart(weekday, cdate) as trans_date_day,

datepart(month, cdate) as trans_date_month, datepart(hour, cdate) as trans_date_hour, DATEPART(minute, cdate) as trans_date_minute



where datepart(weekday, cdate) IN ('2', '3', '4', '5', '6')

AND DATEPART(MONTH, cdate) IN ('5','6','7','8','9','10')

and cdate between '$base_date $base_start_time' and '$base_date $base_end_time'


ORDER BY totalUsage desc";

$query = sqlsrv_query($conn, $sql);if ($query === false){ exit("<pre>".print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true));}while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($query)){ $sumUsageWKW += $row[totalUsage];}sqlsrv_free_stmt($query);?>


Edited by Butterbean
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Well, I will try to fix my mistakes in posting on the next thread.  For now, I have 


max(cast(total_full_energy_b AS FLOAT)/1000) * meter_multiplier AS totalUsage, meter_multiplier


My problem is that I don't know how to manipulate FLOAT so that it gives me 2 decimals.

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