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Computer Maintenance


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I regularly have my skills employed by my friends and family whenever they have any problems with their computers.  It may be for general maintenance, resolve any issues or install new hardware or sotware.

I am considering turning this into a little side earner and offering my services to the local community offering computer maintenance, IT guidance etc.  Trying to plan out a few different packages and currently working on a general computer health check and maintenance package.  I want to try and make this as comprehensive as possible and can think of many things myself, but wondering if you all would be happy to post here any regulare maintenance tasks you carry out on your own machines or things that you would suggest are carried out regularly.

Many thanks. ;D
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well....generally speaking
I'm sure before I do that I would ask what they want to have on

but really, if they needed a computer maintainer
I doubt they'd be running a server or anything so the most I'd have to look for to not disable is stuff like
virus protection or AIM maybe
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