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Hoping someone can help me with a problem I having with drawing a line graph with gd php mysql


Am trying to draw a simple line graph getting data from a MySQL database. attached is the code:-


I just get lots of rubbish characters on the screen. If I echo the contents of the fetched data it is correct and if I echo the $x2 and $y2 the data looks fine.


Am at a loss!


Any ideas would be appreciated.


This is the page: www.inshome.net.au/test.php


Edited by jawood
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1. Stop echoing stuff. You're messing up the image.

2. You're outputting a JPEG so don't claim it's a image/png. Should be an image/jpeg.


With those two changes you should get an actual image. Is the image correct? If not, post it and explain why it's wrong.

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Thanks for your input, that seems to have fixed it.


I only used the echo to test that I was getting the right data thru.


One more thing thou how do I change the scale of the vertical axis?

Edited by jawood
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Attachments are annoying.

    $page_title = 'INS Arduino Temperature Sensor Graph';

    include "./includes/dbconnect.php";

    $qt=mysql_query("SELECT event, dht22temp FROM sensordata ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 12");

    header ("Content-type: image/png");
    $x_gap=40; // The gap between each point in y axis

    $x_max=$x_gap*13; // Maximum width of the graph or horizontal axis
    $y_max=250; // Maximum  hight of the graph or vertical axis
    // Above two variables will be used to create a canvas of the image//

    $im = @ImageCreate ($x_max, $y_max)
    or die ("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream");

    $background_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 234, 234, 234);
    $text_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 233, 14, 91);
    $graph_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im,25,25,25);


       echo "$nt[event], $nt[dht22temp] ";
       $x2=$x1+$x_gap; // Shifting in X axis
       $y2=$y_max-$nt[dht22temp]; // Coordinate of Y axis
       //Line above is to print month names on the graph
       if($first_one=="no"){ // this is to prevent from starting $x1= and $y1=0
        imageline ($im,$x1, $y1,$x2,$y2,$text_color); // Drawing the line between two points
       $x1=$x2; // Storing the value for next draw
       $first_one="no"; // Now flag is set to allow the drawing
    ImageJPEG ($im);

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Currently there is no scale, which means you have to add it first. There's two places with $y2 that you can scale it:

$y2 = $yscale1 * ($y_max - $yscale2 * $nt["dht22temp"]);
Notice the quotes with the array key. dht22temp is a string and strings need quotes. Do the same for event.


You might want both $yscale1 and $yscale2, or maybe just one of them. Start with 1 and adjust in small increments until you're satisfied.

[edit] You also need to make sure you account for the possible values of dht22temp: one image now may look good but another image with different values (if that's possible) may be different.

Edited by requinix
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If I change $yscale1 to anything but 1 I get no line on the graph.

If I set $yscale1 to 1 and change $yscale2 the drawn line moves up the graph but the space between each point on the vertical axis stays the same.

As its a temperature log and temperature changes are only small 1 or 2 degrees throughout the day a small step in the line graph is hard to see.

Im not sure the above is achieving this goal.

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