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Trouble logging in travian script


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hey guys , first of all excuse me for my bad English

i found online a realesed script of the game Travian by it is owner

i uploaded it to my website and i am having 2 problems :


1-  Error :


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/traviansy/public_html/s00100/s1/index.php:19) in /home/traviansy/public_html/s00100/s1/app/boot.php on line 16

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/traviansy/public_html/s00100/s1/index.php:19) in /home/traviansy/public_html/s00100/s1/app/boot.php on line 17



boot.php :

define( "ROOT_PATH", realpath( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR );
@set_magic_quotes_runtime( FALSE );
if ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] ) && substr_count( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], "gzip" ) )
    ob_implicit_flush( 0 );
    if ( @ob_start( array( "ob_gzhandler", 9 ) ) )
        header( "Content-Encoding: gzip" );
header( "Date: ".gmdate( "D, d M Y H:i:s" )." GMT" );
header( "Last-Modified: ".gmdate( "D, d M Y H:i:s" )." GMT" );
if (isset($_GET["showerr"]))
    error_reporting (E_ALL);
require LIB_PATH.'incube.php';
require( APP_PATH."config.php" );
require( LIB_PATH."webservice.php" );
require( LIB_PATH."widget.php" );
require( LIB_PATH."webhelper.php" );
require( APP_PATH."metadata.php" );
require( MODEL_PATH."base.php" );
require( APP_PATH."components.php" );
require( APP_PATH."mywidgets.php" );
$cookie = ClientData::getinstance( );
$AppConfig["system"]["lang"] = "en";//$cookie->uiLang;
define( "LANG_PATH", APP_PATH."lang".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$AppConfig["system"]["lang"].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR );
require( LANG_PATH."lang.php" );
$tempdata = explode( " ", microtime( ) );
$data1 = $tempdata[0];
$data2 = $tempdata[1];
$__scriptStart = ( double )$data1 + ( double )$data2;

2- can't log in :


when i press log in , the script wont redirect me from 'index.php' to 'village1.php'


index.php :


require ("app/boot.php");

if (isset ($_POST["gdp"]) && isset ($_GET["img"]))

class GPage extends DefaultPage
    public function GPage ()
        parent::defaultpage ();
        $this->viewFile = "index.phtml";
        $this->layoutViewFile = NULL;
    public function load ()
        $DB = $GLOBALS["AppConfig"]["db"];
        $err = "";
        $win = "";
        $link = mysql_connect ($DB["host"], $DB["user"], $DB["password"]);
        mysql_select_db ($DB["database"], $link);
        $this->link = $link;

        if ($_POST)
            if (!isset ($_POST["namee"])    || trim ($_POST["namee"]) == "")
                $err .= ($err == "" ? "" : "\n") . "No username";
            if (!isset ($_POST["pass"])    || trim ($_POST["pass"]) == "")
                $err .= ($err == "" ? "" : "\n") . "No password";
            //if (!isset ($_POST["serv"])    || trim ($_POST["serv"]) == "")
            //    $err .= ($err == "" ? "" : "\n") . "No server";

            if ($err == "")
                $name = mysql_real_escape_string (strtolower (trim ($_POST["namee"])));
                if($name == "Natar" || $name=="Natars" || $name == "natars")
                    echo "fk u nub";
                switch ($name)
                    case "mh":
                    case "m":
                        $name = "multihunter";
                $pass = hash ("sha512", $_POST["pass"]);
                $q = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM p_players WHERE name = '$name'", $link);
                $r = mysql_num_rows ($q);
                if ($r > 0)
                    if ($r < 2)
                        $r = mysql_fetch_assoc ($q);
                        $agent = 0;
                        if ($r["pwd"] != $pass)
                            $a = explode (",", $r['my_agent_players'].",1 Multihunter");
                            for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($a); $i++)
                                $b = explode (" ", $a[$i]);
                                $b = $b[0];
                                $c = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM p_players WHERE id = $b AND pwd = '$pass'", $link);
                                if (mysql_num_rows ($c) == 1)
                                    $agent = $b;
                        if ($r["pwd"] == $pass || ($agent > 0))
                            if ($r["is_blocked"] == 0 || $agent == 1)
                                if ($r["is_active"] > 0 || $agent == 1)
                                    $this->player = new Player ();
                                    $this->player->playerId = $r["id"];
                                    if ($agent > 1)

                                          $this->player->isAgent = 1;
                                    else if ($agent == 1)
                                        $this->player->isSpy = TRUE;
                                    mysql_query ("UPDATE p_players SET last_ip='" . WebHelper::getclientip() . "', last_login_date=NOW() WHERE id=" . $r["id"], $link) or die ("NO");
                                    $this->player->gameStatus = intval (mysql_result (mysql_query ("SELECT (game_over || game_transient_stopped) FROM g_settings"), 0, 0));
                                    //$cookie->uname = $r["name"];
                                    //$cookie->upwd = $pass;
                                    $err = "Account inactive <br/> <a href='reemail.php'>Click here if you dont recive email</a>";
                                $err = "Account banned  <a href='banreport.php'>Report!</a><?php";
                            $err = "Wrong username or password";
                        $err = "Error 100 (contact administrator)";
                    $err = "Wrong username or password";
        $this->err = $err;
$p = new GPage();
$p->run ();

i wish you can help me :)

thank you

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That's the problem when one chooses to download someone else's script. You have bugs in them and have to figure them out. As for forum help - we usually try to help those who help themselves by writing their own code. In your case you are taking the easy way out here. First you copy someone's code. Then you want someone else to fix it for you. Not my intent when reading the forums.


I will say this tho - when you get the "header already sent" message it means you are trying to send a header to the client but that something has already been sent and a header must one of the first things to be sent. You have to find where you are sending some output - anything at all - and stop it from being sent first. It could be as simple as a blank line outside of php mode, or a space character that shouldn't be there. Have to go thru all the code to find it. Try exiting your script just prior to the line that is triggering the error message and then go view the source code sent to your client and see what it there.

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That's the problem when one chooses to download someone else's script. You have bugs in them and have to figure them out. As for forum help - we usually try to help those who help themselves by writing their own code. In your case you are taking the easy way out here. First you copy someone's code. Then you want someone else to fix it for you. Not my intent when reading the forums.


I will say this tho - when you get the "header already sent" message it means you are trying to send a header to the client but that something has already been sent and a header must one of the first things to be sent. You have to find where you are sending some output - anything at all - and stop it from being sent first. It could be as simple as a blank line outside of php mode, or a space character that shouldn't be there. Have to go thru all the code to find it. Try exiting your script just prior to the line that is triggering the error message and then go view the source code sent to your client and see what it there.

i am taking the easy way because i am not a programmer , anyways thank you for your help

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Or why not contact the author of the script for support?

 the author released the script because someone hacked his website and stole the script

i don't think he will be glad if i asked for help

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