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$_SESSIONS and $_FILES not working anymore on shared server


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After a cleanup of old files on my shared server, suddenly $_SESSION and $_FILES aren't working anymore.

I think it has to do with problems of saving these on the server. My hosting company told me that I have no access of the folder where sessions are stored so I couldn't have deleted it by accident.


It's not a problem of my software I think,  it has always worked well and a very simple php-file to check if sessions are working or not, gives a problem on this domain (variables are not saved) and not on my others.

As I check phpinfo, the session.save_path is standard /tmp 


Please, someone have an idea how I can solve this?


With regards,


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^^^ and tell use what exact symptom or error you get that leads you to believe these 'aren't working' and do you have php's error_reporting set to E_ALL and display_errors set to ON so that php would help you by reporting and displaying all the errors it detects?


some possibilities - your files either got altered and now have a BOM character saved with them or a .htaccess file or local php.ini file got deleted that was setting some php settings (output_buffering, upload size settings) that are now no longer in effect and are preventing your code from 'working'.

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Thank you for responding. This is the first time this problem happens to me and I'm desparate... 
And the problem is on all sub-domains of this domain. 
I used a simple testfile to be sure it's not a problem of my programming: 
if(!isset($_GET['reload']) OR $_GET['reload'] != 'true') {
   // Set the message
   $_SESSION['MESSAGE'] = 'Session support enabled!<br />';
   // Give user link to check
   echo '<a href="?reload=true">Click HERE</a> to check for PHP Session Support.<br />';
} else {
   // Check if the message has been carried on in the reload
   if(isset($_SESSION['MESSAGE'])) {
      echo $_SESSION['MESSAGE'];
   } else {
      echo 'Sorry, it appears session support is not enabled, or you PHP version is to old. <a href="?reload=false">Click HERE</a> to go back.<br />';


Result: session support is not enabled. 
And these warnings....

Warning: Unknown: open(/tmp/sess_4c8l5nmagramkrjb5tmtgt6135, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in Unknown on line 0
Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (files). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (/tmp) in Unknown on line 0


I'm using PHP 5.4 through a phpselector in direct admin. 


And I did not put something special in my .htaccess file:


Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]
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You said your hoster doesn't allow you to access the /tmp folder directly. Have you considered using a save path which you do have access to? It would make things a lot easier, because you could actually see what's going on.


Otherwise, this looks like you need to contact support. I don't see how we could fix your server configuration problems from here, especially when you don't even have sufficient permissions.

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You are right. I'm just starting experimenting with the command ini_set('session.save_path', path)

I created a folder and added it in my little test file and it worked!!

It's a new thing for me. Must I use this only once before a session is declared or every time before a session_start ?


Is there also something like this where temporarily $_FILES are stored?

P.S. I will recontact with my support to see what happened with the original /tmp.
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It's a new thing for me. Must I use this only once before a session is declared or every time before a session_start ?


You'd have to do it every single time, which is why you should set up a proper PHP configuration file instead of messing with the settings at runtime.




Is there also something like this where temporarily $_FILES are stored?


See the manual.

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1 - I don't see where you started the session in your code.

2 - In what way is the existence or even the value of your GET variable related to the existence of session support?  The beginning of your code is creating a session variable and assigning a value based simply on whether the 'reload' parm is present and is set to 'true'. How is this getting presented to the script?

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