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counting score


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(sorry if my english is bad)


I would like to make a online game like "unanimo":

(rules : I give a image , players give eight words they associate with this image. They score points for each words another player also wrote..see here for more explications about real game :   http://cocktailgames.com/en/cocktailgames/produit/unanimo )


(i want that for my forum, for a christmas contest) but i'm a php amateur so is very difficult. Some can help me to finish score.php please ? i find occurence but i don't understand how i can count point for each player ....any idea ?


single answer = 0 point

2 identical answers = 2 points

3 identical answers = 3 points



This is i have already made:



<form action="insert.php" method="post">
Pseudo: <input type="text" name="pseudo" /><br><br>
Mot 1: <input type="text" name="mot1" /><br><br>
Mot 2: <input type="text" name="mot2" /><br><br>
Mot 3: <input type="text" name="mot3" /><br><br>
Mot 4: <input type="text" name="mot4" /><br><br>
Mot 5: <input type="text" name="mot5" /><br><br>
Mot 6: <input type="text" name="mot6" /><br><br>
Mot 7: <input type="text" name="mot7" /><br><br>
Mot 8: <input type="text" name="mot8" /><br><br>
<input type="submit" />
$con = mysql_connect("xxx","xxx","xxx");
if (!$con)
  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("unanimo", $con);
$sql="INSERT INTO unanimo (pseudo, mot1)
if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))
  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
header('Location: http://xxxxxx'); 


<?php$con = mysql_connect("xxx","xxx","xxx");
$req = mysql_query("SELECT mot1, COUNT(*) as nbre FROM unanimo GROUP BY mot1 HAVING ( COUNT(nbre) > 1 ) ORDER BY nbre DESC ")or die(mysql_error());
while ($donnees = mysql_fetch_array($req)) {
     echo "<TR><TD>".$donnees['mot1']." </TD><TD>".$donnees['nbre']."</TD></TR>";
Edited by crakotte
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this query should calculate the scores for you

SELECT pseudo
  , SUM(nmbr) as score
          , COUNT(*) as nmbr
        FROM unanimo
        GROUP BY mot
        HAVING nmbr > 1
        ) tot USING (mot)
GROUP BY pseudo

Data and results



mysql> SELECT * FROM unanimo;
| id | pseudo | mot         |
|  1 | Peter  | caterpillar |
|  2 | Peter  | dolphin     |
|  3 | Peter  | bull        |
|  4 | Peter  | duck        |
|  5 | Peter  | animal      |
|  6 | Peter  | spider      |
|  7 | Peter  | beetle      |
|  8 | Peter  | bug         |
|  9 | Paul   | dog         |
| 10 | Paul   | cat         |
| 11 | Paul   | cow         |
| 12 | Paul   | bird        |
| 13 | Paul   | animal      |
| 14 | Paul   | spider      |
| 15 | Paul   | beetle      |
| 16 | Paul   | egg         |
| 17 | Mary   | dog         |
| 18 | Mary   | camel       |
| 19 | Mary   | cow         |
| 20 | Mary   | bird        |
| 21 | Mary   | animal      |
| 22 | Mary   | spider      |
| 23 | Mary   | beetle      |
| 24 | Mary   | bug         |

| pseudo | score |
| Mary   |    17 |
| Paul   |    15 |
| Peter  |    11 |



Edited by Barand
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Wahouuu! thank you for the fast answer ! your query work great 


I would not abuse (anyway in the state is functional) but if you can tell me a last things, how to get out the pseudo list for each word?
I would like a result like this:

| wood| 4 | players list who give this word here
| church| 2 players list who give this word here
| pen| 1 players list who give this word here
I do like this many time   but is not good : i don't know 
$reqtest = mysql_query("SELECT mot1, COUNT(*) as nbre FROM unanimo GROUP BY mot1 HAVING ( COUNT(nbre) > 1 ) ORDER BY nbre DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0")or die(mysql_error());
while ($test = mysql_fetch_array($reqtest)) {
$reqq = mysql_query("SELECT pseudo FROM unanimo WHERE mot1 ='$res' ")or die(mysql_error());
while ($donneesq = mysql_fetch_array($reqq)) {
     echo $donneesq['pseudo']." / ";

current code

echo "<TR><TD>".$donnees['mot1']." </TD><TD>".$donnees['nbre']."</TD></TR>";

i would like :

echo "<TR><TD>".$donnees['mot1']." </TD><TD>".$donnees['nbre']."</TD><TD>".$pseudo['list']."</TD></TR>";

Sorry if you don"t understand , I don't know how explain this in english, i want  to dispaly a third colum with pseudo list



Never mind if it's not clear, you gave me the principal key, that is  retail thank you

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Well, you could use GROUP_CONCAT() which will concatenate the values within a grouped record. But, it has some limitations. For example, I don't think it will remove duplicates. BUt, there are other, more technical issues. that I don't want to go into details with. If you need those values, then I would suggest just selecting all the records instead of getting calculated totals. Then when outputting the results, get the totals.




SELECT pseudo, SUM(nmbr) as score,
       GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT player_name
                    ORDER BY player_name ASC SEPARATOR ', ') as player_list
          , COUNT(*) as nmbr
        FROM unanimo
        GROUP BY mot
        HAVING nmbr > 1
        ) tot USING (mot)
GROUP BY pseudo


Or, just query all the relevant records without the GROUP BY and handle the logic to calculate totals and determine the player list in the code.

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          , COUNT(*) as nmbr
          , GROUP_CONCAT(pseudo ORDER BY pseudo SEPARATOR ', ') as players
        FROM unanimo
        GROUP BY mot
        HAVING nmbr > 1
        ORDER BY nmbr DESC;
| mot    | nmbr | players           |
| beetle |    3 | Mary, Paul, Peter |
| spider |    3 | Mary, Paul, Peter |
| animal |    3 | Mary, Paul, Peter |
| bird   |    2 | Mary, Paul        |
| bug    |    2 | Mary, Peter       |
| cow    |    2 | Mary, Paul        |
| dog    |    2 | Mary, Paul        |
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