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start and end of day


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Now I THOUGHT this would work to capture the start and end of day time but it's not working properly.

$today['am'] = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$i,$year);
$today['pm'] = mktime(11,59,59,$month,$i,$year);

I want from 12:00 am to 11:59pm of he day obviously. But it's not capturing everything for some reason. I did an echo statement from a calendar of mine and it shows this:
Decemeber 7th:

December 8th:
you see the gap between 12/7 PM and 12/8 AM ? Obviously theres a problem there. I'm trying to use this to capture data out of the database by finding everything between $today['am'] AND $today['pm'] but with all the missing number inbetween, i'm having issues with it.
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Try it this way:
$today = array();
$today['am'] = strtotime($month . '/' . $i . '/' . $year . ' 12:00:00 am');
$today['pm'] = strtotime($month . '/' . $i . '/' . $year . ' 12:59:59 pm');
echo '<pre>' . print_r($today,true) . '</pre>';

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