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I think cache works like this in joomla:
1. You open the video you want to watch

2. The view script counter count +1 on this video

3. The cache start working and save the page just requested in the hard disk as cached version of that page. 

4. Cache start to send the cached version to every other guys who request the same page. Up the cache update (every 12 hours) then the counter doesn't work anymore.


I think this happens because the original PHP page are converted in HTML when cached... So cache "break" the view counter script... but i'm not sure

Edited by ababba2

Does the php script get executed BEFORE the video is shown? If so then the update has to occur. I don't buy the idea that joomla caching your html output will interfere with your php script that builds it. Your click triggers a php script, correct? If so then that php script HAS to run and if your logic is correctly placed it has to run and your count has to be incremented. That has to happen!

Does the php script get executed BEFORE the video is shown? If so then the update has to occur. I don't buy the idea that joomla caching your html output will interfere with your php script that builds it. Your click triggers a php script, correct? If so then that php script HAS to run and if your logic is correctly placed it has to run and your count has to be incremented. That has to happen!

Yes, u'r right.

Then I have no idea why counter doesn't work if cache is enabled.

I tried to check the source of the cached page, and I seen the php counter script doesn't appear (there isn't any reference to the script)

But I don't know if this is the problem

Edited by ababba2

The cached page showed you PHP code? I don't know anything about Joomla but having a joomla cache on the server to hold php scripts makes no sense to me. And you're saying that the counter script doesn't appear? What counter script? Isn't your counter code simply a call to some function that is included in your php script? 


Could you post the start of your php script so we can see what you are doing and how you are doing the counter code in a failsafe manner?

Ok, so this is the php page that runs when a video is opened.

On line 313 there is the html5 player (I replaced the old one).

On line 323 there is the view counter (that works with cache disabled)

 * Player view file
 * This file is to display the player on video home and detail page. 
 * @category   Apptha
 * @package    Com_Contushdvideoshare
 * @version    3.7
 * @author     Apptha Team <[email protected]>
 * @copyright  Copyright (C) 2014 Apptha. All rights reserved.
 * @license    GNU General Public License http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

/** Include component helper */
include_once (JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'helper.php');

/** No direct access to this file */
defined ( '_JEXEC' ) || exitAction ( 'Restricted access' );

/** Varaiable decalation and assign values */
$current_url = '';
$details1 = $this->detail;
$player_values = unserialize ( $details1 [0]->player_values );
$thumbview = unserialize ( $this->homepagebottomsettings [0]->homethumbview );
$dispenable = unserialize ( $this->homepagebottomsettings [0]->dispenable );
$Itemid = $this->Itemid;
$userID = getUserID ();
$document = JFactory::getDocument ();
$style = '#face-comments iframe{width:  ' . $player_values ['width'] . 'px !important; }
#video-grid-container .ulvideo_thumb .popular_gutterwidth{margin-left:' . $thumbview ['homepopularvideowidth'] . 'px; }
#video-grid-container .ulvideo_thumb .featured_gutterwidth{margin-left:' . $thumbview ['homefeaturedvideowidth'] . 'px; }
#video-grid-container .ulvideo_thumb .recent_gutterwidth{margin-left:' . $thumbview ['homerecentvideowidth'] . 'px; }
#video-grid-container_pop .ulvideo_thumb .popular_gutterwidth{margin-left:' . $thumbview ['homepopularvideowidth'] . 'px; }
#video-grid-container_pop .ulvideo_thumb .featured_gutterwidth{margin-left:' . $thumbview ['homefeaturedvideowidth'] . 'px; }
#video-grid-container_pop .ulvideo_thumb .recent_gutterwidth{margin-left:' . $thumbview ['homerecentvideowidth'] . 'px; }
#video-grid-container_rec .ulvideo_thumb .popular_gutterwidth{margin-left:' . $thumbview ['homepopularvideowidth'] . 'px; }
#video-grid-container_rec .ulvideo_thumb .featured_gutterwidth{margin-left:' . $thumbview ['homefeaturedvideowidth'] . 'px; }
#video-grid-container_rec .ulvideo_thumb .recent_gutterwidth{margin-left:' . $thumbview ['homerecentvideowidth'] . 'px; }';
$document->addStyleDeclaration ( $style );

/** Meta Information */
if (! empty ( $this->videodetails ) && $this->videodetails->id) {
  $document->setTitle ( $this->htmlVideoDetails->title );
  $document->setMetaData ( "keywords", $this->htmlVideoDetails->tags );
  $document->setDescription ( strip_tags ( $this->htmlVideoDetails->description ) );

$seoOption = $dispenable ['seo_option'];

if (isset ( $this->htmlVideoDetails )) {
  if ($seoOption == 1) {
    $featuredCategoryVal = "category=" . $this->htmlVideoDetails->seo_category;
    $featuredVideoVal = "video=" . $this->htmlVideoDetails->seotitle;
  } else {
    $featuredCategoryVal = "catid=" . $this->htmlVideoDetails->playlistid;
    $featuredVideoVal = "id=" . $this->htmlVideoDetails->id;
  $current_url = 'index.php?option=com_contushdvideoshare&view=player&' . $featuredCategoryVal . '&' . $featuredVideoVal;
  if (version_compare ( JVERSION, '1.6.0', 'ge' )) {
    /** login url for version greater tha 1.6.0 */
    $login_url = JURI::base () . "index.php?option=com_users&view=login&return=" . base64_encode ( $current_url );
  } else {
    /** login url for report section */
    $login_url = JURI::base () . "index.php?option=com_user&view=login&return=" . base64_encode ( $current_url );

/** Call function to display myvideos, myplaylists link for home and detail page*/
playlistMenu( $Itemid, $current_url );

if (isset ( $this->commenttitle ) || (isset ( $dispenable ['homeplayer'] ) && $dispenable ['homeplayer'] == 1)) {
  $player_icons = unserialize ( $details1 [0]->player_icons );
  $video_title = $video_desc = $video_thumb = $memberidvalue = '';
  $playerpath = JURI::base () . "components/com_contushdvideoshare/hdflvplayer/hdplayer.swf";
  $facebookapi = $dispenable ['facebookapi'];
  $htmlVideoDetails = $this->htmlVideoDetails;
  /** Get detail for Meta Information */
  if (isset ( $this->htmlVideoDetails ) && $this->htmlVideoDetails != '') {
    if ($this->htmlVideoDetails->filepath == "Youtube" || strpos ( $htmlVideoDetails->videourl, 'youtube.com' ) > 0) {
      if (strpos ( $htmlVideoDetails->videourl, 'youtube.com' ) > 0) {
        $url = $htmlVideoDetails->videourl;
        $query_string = array ();
        parse_str ( parse_url ( $url, PHP_URL_QUERY ), $query_string );
        $id = $query_string ["v"];
        $videoid = trim ( $id );
        $video_thumb = "http://i3.ytimg.com/vi/$videoid/hqdefault.jpg";
        $video_url = $this->htmlVideoDetails->videourl;
        $video_preview = "http://i3.ytimg.com/vi/$videoid/maxresdefault.jpg";
      } elseif (strpos ( $this->htmlVideoDetails->videourl, 'dailymotion' ) > 0 || strpos ( $this->htmlVideoDetails->videourl, 'viddler' ) > 0) {
        $video_url = $this->htmlVideoDetails->videourl;
        $video_thumb = $this->htmlVideoDetails->thumburl;
        $video_preview = $this->htmlVideoDetails->previewurl;
    } else if ($this->htmlVideoDetails->filepath == "File" || $this->htmlVideoDetails->filepath == "FFmpeg" || $this->htmlVideoDetails->filepath == "Embed") {
      $current_path = "components/com_contushdvideoshare/videos/";
      if (isset ( $this->htmlVideoDetails->amazons3 ) && $this->htmlVideoDetails->amazons3 == 1) {
        $video_url = $dispenable ['amazons3link'] . $this->htmlVideoDetails->videourl;
        $video_thumb = $dispenable ['amazons3link'] . $this->htmlVideoDetails->thumburl;
        $video_preview = $dispenable ['amazons3link'] . $this->htmlVideoDetails->previewurl;
      } else {
        $video_url = JURI::base () . $current_path . $this->htmlVideoDetails->videourl;
        $video_thumb = JURI::base () . $current_path . $this->htmlVideoDetails->thumburl;
        $video_preview = JURI::base () . $current_path . $this->htmlVideoDetails->previewurl;
    } else {
      $video_url = $this->htmlVideoDetails->videourl;
      $video_thumb = $this->htmlVideoDetails->thumburl;
      $video_preview = $this->htmlVideoDetails->previewurl;
  $instance = JURI::getInstance ();
  /** Get site name from global configuration */
  $config = JFactory::getConfig ();
  if (version_compare ( JVERSION, '3.0.0', 'ge' )) {
    $siteName = $config->get ( 'config.sitename' );
  } else {
    $siteName = $config->getValue ( 'config.sitename' );
  if (! empty ( $this->htmlVideoDetails->title )) {
    $video_title = $this->htmlVideoDetails->title;
  if (! empty ( $this->htmlVideoDetails->description )) {
    $video_desc = $this->htmlVideoDetails->description;
  /** Fb Share og detail */
  $document->addCustomTag ( '<link rel="image_src" href="' . $video_thumb . '"/>' );
  $document->addCustomTag ( '<link rel="canonical" href="' . $instance->toString () . '"/>' );
  $document->addCustomTag ( '<meta property="og:site_name" content="' . $siteName . '"/>' );
  $document->addCustomTag ( '<meta property="og:url" content="' . $instance->toString () . '"/>' );
  $document->addCustomTag ( '<meta property="og:title" content="' . $video_title . '"/>' );
  $document->addCustomTag ( '<meta property="og:description" content="' . strip_tags ( $video_desc ) . '"/>' );
  $document->addCustomTag ( '<meta property="og:image" content="' . $video_thumb . '"/>' );
<!--Rich snippet starts here -->
<div id="video-container" class="" itemscope itemid=""  itemtype="http://schema.org/VideoObject">
	<link itemprop="url" href="<?php echo $video_url; ?>">
	<div itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/AggregateRating">
		<meta itemprop="ratingValue" content="<?php echo round ( $this->commentview [0]->rate / $this->commentview [0]->ratecount ); ?>" />
		<meta itemprop="ratingCount" content="<?php echo $this->commentview[0]->ratecount; ?>" />
	<div itemprop="video" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/VideoObject">
		<meta itemprop="name" content="<?php echo $video_title; ?>" />
		<meta itemprop="thumbnail" content="<?php echo $video_thumb; ?>" />
		<meta itemprop="description" content="<?php if (! empty ( $video_desc )) {
    echo strip_tags ( $video_desc );
  } else {
    echo 'No description';
  } ?>" />
	<meta itemprop="image" content="<?php echo $video_thumb; ?>" />
	<meta itemprop="thumbnailUrl" content="<?php echo $video_thumb; ?>" />
	<meta itemprop="embedURL" content="<?php echo $playerpath . '?id=' . $this->videodetails->id; ?>" />
<!--Rich snippet ends here -->

<input type="hidden" name="category"
	value="<?php  if (isset ( $this->videodetails->playlistid )) {
    echo $this->videodetails->playlistid;
	id="category" />
<input type="hidden"
  if (isset ( $this->videodetails->id )) {
    echo $this->videodetails->id;
  ?>"  name="videoid" id="videoid" />
<?php /** Google analytics code */
  if ($player_icons ['googleana_visible'] == 1) { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
		var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
		document.write( unescape( "%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E" ) );
		var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("<?php echo $player_values['googleanalyticsID']; ?>");
<?php } ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
	function loadifr() {
		ev = document.getElementById('myframe1');
		if (ev != null) {
			addEvent(ev, 'load', doIframe);
	window.onload = function() {
<?php if (isset ( $this->videodetails->id )) { ?>
			setInterval("loadifr()", 500);
<?php } ?>
<div class="fluid bg playerbg clearfix" id="player_page">
	<div id="HDVideoshare1" style="position: relative;" class="clearfix">
		<h1 id="viewtitle" class="floatleft" style="">
<?php if (isset ( $this->htmlVideoDetails->title )) {
    echo $this->htmlVideoDetails->title;
  } ?></h1>
		<div class="clear"></div>
  $mobile = videoshare_Detect_mobile ();

  if (!empty($userID)) {
    $error_msg = JText::_ ( 'HDVS_NOT_AUTHORIZED' );
  } else {
    $error_msg = JText::_ ( 'HDVS_LOGIN_TO_WATCH' );
  if (! empty ( $this->videodetails ) && ($this->videodetails->id) && ($this->videodetails->playlistid)) {
    $baseref = '&id=' . $this->videodetails->id . '&catid=' . $this->videodetails->playlistid;
  } elseif (! empty ( $this->videodetails ) && $this->videodetails->id) {
    $baseref = '&id=' . $this->videodetails->id;
  } else {
    $baseref = '&featured=true&pagerefresh=false';
  /** For Admin preview popup */
  $adminview = JRequest::getString ( 'adminview' );
  if ($adminview == true) {
    $baseref .= '&adminview=true';

  if (($htmlVideoDetails->filepath == 'Embed') || (! empty ( $htmlVideoDetails ) && (preg_match ( '/vimeo/', $htmlVideoDetails->videourl )) && ($htmlVideoDetails->videourl != ''))) {
    if ($this->homepageaccess == 'true') { 
      if ($htmlVideoDetails->filepath == 'Embed') {
        $playerembedcode = $htmlVideoDetails->embedcode;
        $playeriframewidth = str_replace ( 'width=', 'width="' . $player_values ['width'] . '"', $playerembedcode );
        contushdvideoshareController::videohitCount_function ( $htmlVideoDetails->id );
        if ($mobile === true) {
          echo $playerembedcode;
        } else {
          /** For embed code videos */
						<div id="flashplayer">
						<?php  echo str_replace ( 'height=', 'height="' . $player_values ['height'] . '"', $playeriframewidth ); ?>
      } elseif (! empty ( $htmlVideoDetails ) && (preg_match ( '/vimeo/', $htmlVideoDetails->videourl )) && ($htmlVideoDetails->videourl != '')) {
        /** For vimeo videos */
        $split = explode ( "/", $htmlVideoDetails->videourl );
        contushdvideoshareController::videohitCount_function ( $htmlVideoDetails->id );
        if ($mobile === true) {
          $widthheight = '';
        } else {
          $widthheight = 'width="' . $player_values ['width'] . '" height="' . $player_values ['height'] . '"';
					<div id="flashplayer">
			<iframe <?php echo $widthheight; ?>
				src="<?php echo 'http://player.vimeo.com/video/' . $split[3]; ?>"
				class="iframe_frameborder" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen
				allowfullscreen> </iframe>
    } else {
				<style type="text/css">
.login_msg { height: <?php echo $player_values['height']; ?> px; color: #fff; width: 100%; margin: <?php echo ceil( $player_values [ 'width' ] / 3); ?> px 0 0; text-align: center; }
.login_msg a { background: #999; color: #fff; padding: 5px; }
		<div id="video" style="height:<?php echo $player_values['height']; ?>px;
					 background-color:#000000; position: relative;" >
			<div class="login_msg">
				<h3><?php echo $error_msg; ?></h3>
      if (empty($userID)) {
		<a href="<?php  if (! empty ( $player_icons ['login_page_url'] )) {
          echo $player_icons ['login_page_url'];
        } else {
          echo "#";
        ?>"><?php echo JText::_('HDVS_LOGIN'); ?></a>
	<?php } ?>
				<?php  }
  } else {
    if ($mobile === true) {


    /** Platform check */  ?>	
		<script type="text/javascript">
				var txt = navigator.platform;
				function failed(e) {
					if ( txt == 'iPod' || txt == 'iPad' || txt == 'iPhone' || windo == "Windows Phone" || txt == 'Linux armv7l' || txt == 'Linux armv6l' ) {
						alert('Player doesnot support this video.');

/** HTML5 player starts here */

<video id="example_video_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered"
  controls preload="auto" width="720" height="480"
  poster=<?php echo $video_preview; ?>
 <source src=<?php echo $video_url; ?> type='video/mp4' />
 <p class="vjs-no-js">To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that <a href="http://videojs.com/html5-video-support/" target="_blank">supports HTML5 video</a></p>

/** View script */
    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
        echo "";
        echo "";
        $query = "UPDATE ygvhc_hdflv_upload SET times_viewed=1+times_viewed WHERE id={$htmlVideoDetails->id}";
            echo "";
            echo "";


	<?php /** Html5 player  end */
  /** Display Google Adsense */
  if (isset ( $details1 ['publish'] ) == '1' && isset ( $details1 ['showaddc'] ) == '1' && $mobile !== true && (isset($htmlVideoDetails) && $htmlVideoDetails->filepath != 'Embed')) {
    if ($player_values ['width'] > 468) {
      $adstyle = ";";
    } else {
      $margin_left = ($player_values ['width'] - 100) / 2;
      $adwidth = $player_values ['width'] - 100;
      $adstyle = "width:" . $adwidth . "px;margin-left: -" . $margin_left . "px;";
				<div id="lightm"  style="<?php echo $adstyle; ?>height:76px;position:absolute;display:none;
					 background:none !important;background-position: initial initial !important;
					 background-repeat: initial initial !important;bottom: 50px;left: 50%;">
				<span id="divimgm"><img alt="close" id="closeimgm"
					style="z-index: 10000000; width: 48px; height: 12px; cursor: pointer; top: -12px;"
					onclick="googleclose();" /> </span>
				<iframe height="60"
					width="<?php echo $player_values['width'] - 100; ?>" scrolling="no"
					align="middle" id="IFrameName" src="" name="IFrameName"
					marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" class="iframe_frameborder"></iframe>

			src="<?php echo JURI::base(); ?>components/com_contushdvideoshare/js/googlead.js"
    if ($details1 ['showoption'] == 1 && isset ( $details1 ['closeadd'] )) {
      $closeadd = $details1 ['closeadd'];
      $ropen = $details1 ['ropen'];
	<script type="text/javascript">
		var closeadd = <?php echo $closeadd * 1000; ?>;
		var ropen = <?php echo $ropen * 1000; ?>;
		<?php }  
} ?>
<div class="video-page-container clscenter">
  if (isset ( $this->commenttitle )) {
	<div class="video-page-info ">

		<div class="video-page-date">
			<!--Display video created date-->
			<div class="video_addedon">
				<span class="addedon"><strong><?php echo JText::_('HDVS_ADDED_ON'); ?> : </strong>
				</span><span id="createdate">
    if (isset ( $this->htmlVideoDetails->created_date )) {
      $created_on = date ( 'j-M-Y', strtotime ( $this->htmlVideoDetails->created_date ) );
      echo $created_on;
		<div class="video-page-views">
			<?php  if ($dispenable ['viewedconrtol'] == 1) { ?>
				<span class="video-view"> <strong> 
					<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_VIEWS'); ?> : </strong>
			</span> <span id="viewcount">
<?php if (isset ( $this->htmlVideoDetails->times_viewed )) {
        echo $this->htmlVideoDetails->times_viewed;
				<?php } ?>
		<div class="clearfix"></div>
		<div class="video-page-username">
    foreach ( $this->commenttitle as $row ) {
      if (isset ( $row->memberid )) {
        $mid = $row->memberid;
      } else {
        $mid = '';
      if (isset ( $row->username )) {
        $username = $row->username;
      } else {
        $username = '';
      if ($username != '') {
						<div class="viewsubname">
				<span class="uploadedby"><strong>
							<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_UPLOADED_BY'); ?> : </strong></span>
				<a title="<?php echo $username; ?>" class="namelink cursor_pointer"
        echo $mid;
        echo $row->username;
    } ?>
		<div class="video-page-rating">
			<!--Rating starts here-->
			<div id="rateid" class="ratingbg">
				<div class="content_center clearfix" style="">
				<?php $user = JFactory::getUser ();
    $userid = $_SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $rated_user = explode ( ',', $this->commentview [0]->rateduser );
    if (! empty ( $this->commentview [0]->rateduser ) && in_array ( $userid, $rated_user )) {
      $rateduser = 1;
    } else {
      $rateduser = 0;
    if ($dispenable ['ratingscontrol'] == 1) { ?>
						<div class="centermargin floatleft">
						<div class="rateimgleft" id="rateimg"
							<?php if($rateduser == 0) { ?> onmouseover="displayrating('');"
							onmouseout="resetvalue();" <?php } ?>>
							<div id="a" class="floatleft"></div>
      if (isset ( $this->commentview [0]->ratecount ) && $this->commentview [0]->ratecount != 0) {
        $ratestar = round ( $this->commentview [0]->rate / $this->commentview [0]->ratecount );
      } else {
        $ratestar = 0;
								<ul class="ratethis " id="rate">
								<li class="one"><a
									title="<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_ONE_STAR_RATING'); ?>"
									onclick="getrate('1');" <?php if($rateduser == 0) { ?>
									onmousemove="displayrating('1');" onmouseout="resetvalue();"
									<?php } ?>>1</a></li>
								<li class="two"><a
									title="<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_TWO_STAR_RATING'); ?>"
									onclick="getrate('2');" <?php if($rateduser == 0) { ?>
									onmousemove="displayrating('2');" onmouseout="resetvalue();"
									<?php } ?>>2</a></li>
								<li class="three"><a
									title="<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_THREE_STAR_RATING'); ?>"
									onclick="getrate('3');" <?php if($rateduser == 0) { ?>
									onmousemove="displayrating('3');" onmouseout="resetvalue();"
									<?php } ?>>3</a></li>
								<li class="four"><a
									title="<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_FOUR_STAR_RATING'); ?>"
									onclick="getrate('4');" <?php if($rateduser == 0) { ?>
									onmousemove="displayrating('4');" onmouseout="resetvalue();"
									<?php } ?>>4</a></li>
								<li class="five"><a
									title="<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_FIVE_STAR_RATING'); ?>"
									onclick="getrate('5');" <?php if($rateduser == 0) { ?>
									onmousemove="displayrating('5');" onmouseout="resetvalue();"
									<?php } ?>>5</a></li>
							<input type="hidden" name="id" id="id"
      if (isset ( $this->htmlVideoDetails->id ) && $this->htmlVideoDetails->id != '') {
        echo $this->htmlVideoDetails->id;
      } elseif (isset ( $this->getfeatured->id ) && $this->getfeatured->id != '') {
        echo $this->getfeatured->id;
      ?>" />
						<div class="rateright-views floatleft">
							<span class="clsrateviews" id="ratemsg"
								<?php if($rateduser == 0) { ?> onmouseover="displayrating('');"
								onmouseout="resetvalue();" <?php } ?>> </span> <span
								class="rightrateimg" id="ratemsg1"
								<?php if($rateduser == 0) { ?> onmouseover="displayrating('');"
								onmouseout="resetvalue();" <?php } ?>> </span>
				<?php /** Script for rating of the video starts here */ ?>
				<script type="text/javascript">
					function ratecal(rating, ratecount)
						if (rating == 1){
		                    document.getElementById('rate').className = "ratethis onepos";
						<?php if($rateduser == 1) { ?>
								document.getElementById('a').className = "ratethis onepos";
								document.getElementById('rate').style.display = "none";
						<?php } ?>
		                } else if (rating == 2) {
		                    document.getElementById('rate').className = "ratethis twopos";
						<?php if($rateduser == 1) { ?>
								document.getElementById('a').className = "ratethis twopos";
								document.getElementById('rate').style.display = "none";
						<?php } ?>
		                } else if (rating == 3) {
		                    document.getElementById('rate').className = "ratethis threepos";
						<?php if($rateduser == 1) { ?>
								document.getElementById('a').className = "ratethis threepos";
								document.getElementById('rate').style.display = "none";
						<?php } ?>
		                } else if (rating == 4) {
		                    document.getElementById('rate').className = "ratethis fourpos";
						<?php if($rateduser == 1) { ?>
								document.getElementById('a').className = "ratethis fourpos";
								document.getElementById('rate').style.display = "none";
						<?php } ?>
		                } else if (rating == 5) {
		                    document.getElementById('rate').className = "ratethis fivepos";
						<?php if($rateduser == 1) { ?>
								document.getElementById('a').className = "ratethis fivepos";
								document.getElementById('rate').style.display = "none";
						<?php } ?>
		                } else {
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						document.getElementById('ratemsg').innerHTML = "<span dir='LTR' class='ratting_txt'><?php
    echo JText::_ ( 'HDVS_RATTING' );
    ?> : " + ratecount + "</span> ";
    if (isset ( $ratestar ) && isset ( $this->commentview [0]->ratecount ) && isset ( $this->commentview [0]->times_viewed )) {
								'<?php echo $ratestar; ?>',
						'<?php echo $this->commentview[0]->ratecount; ?>',
						'<?php echo $this->commentview[0]->times_viewed; ?>'
					function createObject() {
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						document.getElementById('ratemsg').innerHTML = "Thanks for rating!";
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								'get', '<?php echo JURI::base (); ?>index.php?option=com_contushdvideoshare&view=player&tmpl=component&id='
										+ id + '&rate=' + t + '&nocache = ' + nocache, true
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							if (reportvideotype[i].checked) {
								repmsg = reportvideotype[i].value;
							} else {
								repmsg = '';
						if (repmsg === "") {
							alert('<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_SELECT_REPORT_TYPE'); ?>');
							return false;
<?php if (empty($userID )) { ?>
location.href = '<?php echo JRoute::_ ( $login_url ); ?>';
    } else { ?>
	document.getElementById('dvLoading').style.display = "block";
'<?php echo JURI::base ();
				+ repmsg + '&videoid=<?php echo $htmlVideoDetails->id; ?>', true
							http.onreadystatechange = getReport;
<?php  } ?>
						document.getElementById('reportadmin').style.visibility = 'none';

					function resetreport() {
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					function getReport() {
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					function insertReplyRating() {
						if (http.readyState == 4) {
							document.getElementById('ratemsg').innerHTML = "<span dir='LTR' class='ratting_txt'><?php
    echo JText::_ ( 'HDVS_RATTING' );
    ?> : " + http.responseText + "</span>";
							document.getElementById('rate').className = "";
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					function resetvalue() {
						<?php if($rateduser == 0) { ?>
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						if (document.getElementById('storeratemsg').value == '') {
							document.getElementById('ratemsg').innerHTML = "<span dir='LTR' class='ratting_txt'><?php
      echo JText::_ ( 'HDVS_RATTING' );
      ?> : <?php
      echo $this->commentview [0]->ratecount;
						} else {
							document.getElementById('ratemsg').innerHTML = "<span dir='LTR' class='ratting_txt'><?php
      echo JText::_ ( 'HDVS_RATTING' );
      ?> : " + document.getElementById('storeratemsg').value
												+ "</span> ";
						<?php } ?>
			function displayrating(t)  {
				<?php if($rateduser == 0) { ?>
				if (t == '1') {
					document.getElementById('ratemsg').innerHTML = "<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_POOR'); ?>";
				if (t == '2') {
					document.getElementById('ratemsg').innerHTML = "<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_NOTHING_SPECIAL'); ?>";
				if (t == '3') {
					document.getElementById('ratemsg').innerHTML = "<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_WORTH_WATCHING'); ?>";
				if (t == '4') {
					document.getElementById('ratemsg').innerHTML = "<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_PRETTY_COOL'); ?>";
				if (t == '5') {
					document.getElementById('ratemsg').innerHTML = "<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_AWESOME'); ?>";
				document.getElementById('ratemsg1').style.display = "none";
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				<?php } ?>
				<!-- Script for rating of the video ends here -->
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      echo JURI::getInstance ()->toString ();
      echo $siteName;
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			<div id="reportadmin" style="display: none; margin-top: 5px;">
					<h2><?php echo JText::_('HDVS_REPORT_VIDEO'); ?></h2>
						<li><input type="radio" name="reportvideotype" id="violence"
							value="<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_VIOLENT'); ?>" />
						<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_VIOLENT'); ?><br> <input type="radio"
							name="reportvideotype" id="groupattack"
							value="<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_HATEFUL'); ?>" />
						<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_HATEFUL'); ?><br> <input type="radio"
							name="reportvideotype" id="harmful"
							value="<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_HARMFUL'); ?>" />
						<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_HARMFUL'); ?><br> <input type="radio"
							name="reportvideotype" id="spam"
							value="<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_SPAM'); ?>" />
						<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_SPAM'); ?><br /> <input type="radio"
							name="reportvideotype" id="childabuse"
							value="<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_CHILD_ABUSE'); ?>" />
						<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_CHILD_ABUSE'); ?><br /> <input
							type="radio" name="reportvideotype" id="sexualcontent"
							value="<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_SEXUAL_CONTENT'); ?>" />
						<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_SEXUAL_CONTENT'); ?><br /></li>
					<div id="dvLoading" style="display: none;"></div>
					<button type="submit" onclick="submitreport()"><?php echo JText::_('HDVS_SEND'); ?></button>
					<button type="submit" onclick="resetreport()"><?php echo JText::_('HDVS_CANCEL'); ?></button>
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<div class="video-page-desc"><?php  if ($player_icons ['showTag'] == 1) {
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<?php  } ?>
  if (isset ( $this->commenttitle )) { ?>
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<div class="videosharecommetsection">
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				<a href="http://disqus.com/?ref_noscript"><?php echo JText::_('HDVS_DISQUS_POWERED_BY'); ?></a>
	<a href="http://disqus.com" class="dsq-brlink"><?php echo JText::_('HDVS_DISQUS_POWERED'); ?>
					<span class="logo-disqus"><?php echo JText::_('HDVS_DISQUS'); ?></span></a>
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				name="myframe1" class="autoHeight clearfix" frameborder="0"
          echo $this->videodetails->id;
          echo $dispenable ['comment'];
          ?>"> </iframe>
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document.getElementById("al").innerHTML = "<div class='underline'></div><div class='clearfix'>\n\
<div class='subhead changecomment'><span class='video_user_info'><strong>"
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document.getElementById(parentid).innerHTML = "<div class='clsreply'><span  class='video_user_info'><strong><?php echo JText::_('HDVS_RE'); ?> <span>"
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								function validation(form) {
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										alert("<?php echo JText::_('HDVS_ENTER_MESSAGE'); ?>");
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									return true;
		<?php }
<?php } ?>
<?php /** Display member collection link starts here */
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<?php  }

The following is the result of a cached page by joomla (Yes, joomla store the cached page on the server)

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EDIT: Sorry, the cached page by joomla I posted above is wrong. This is the real one (in the previous I was trying to force view count script execution, but it resulted in a blank page)

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ok - I don't know what all this code is.  What you have said is that a page displays a series of videos and the user clicks on one.  That click triggers a php script that displays the viewer page that allows the user to see his chosen video.  So - what is all this code? Is this the script that is triggered by the click?  And why is the code to record the count all the way down at line 3xx?  Why not at the top since you know it has to happen.


Do this.  Comment out the counter code and add an echo saying "Just hit the counter code" and then exit.   That will be proof that you hit the counter code every time you view your page and select a video.


Also - what is the filename of each of these two files you posted? 

I put the script earlier but doesn't change anything.


I tried to put an echo saying "hello1". And hello1 appears on the page.

Then I changed "hello1" with "hello2". Without update the cache and in that page still appear "hello1"

What does this line mean:  'Without update the cache and in that page'?  What does that mean?  Are you trying to say that you edited the page, put it back on the server and then executed the same url call again?

Again - don't know joomla and have no idea what is does for you.


I don't understand the need for a server-side cache.  Caches that I am used to are on the client in order to save repeated downloads from the server when un-necessary.  Having one on the server isn't saving anything and in a case like this interferes with the performance of a dynamic php script. 


Turn off the cache.

Increase the speed?  It's still on the server!  How does that speed things up - it still has to download.  And having a cache to pull a page from that is technically out-of-date is not a good thing.  Think about it.  If you didn't have this cache this post would never have happened. 


Think about this.  What if your url points to a script (which this one does) that produces different outputs?  How does this cache work in that case when your url request wants "page2" sent to the client instead of the normal "page1" sent?

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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