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Urgent problem --- Please help!


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//*initialize file path to be used later.
$path_to_file = '../uploadsFolder/';

     <table border="0">
            <td class="td_input_form">
	 	         // if the SignInSheet is empty,
	 	         if(file_exists($path_to_file . $result["SignInSheet"]))
	 	             // Bid file already upload, show checkbox to delete it.
	 	             echo '<input type="file" name="SignInSheet[]" size="50"> <br />';
	 	             echo '<input type="checkbox" name="delete[]" value="'.$result["SignInSheet"].'"> (delete)
                     <a href="http://domain/AppFolder/AppFiles/uploadsFolder/'.$result["SignInSheet"].'" target="_blank" onclick="window.open (this.href, \'child\', \'height=800,width=850,scrollbars\'); return false" type="application/octet-stream">'.$result["SignInSheet"].'</a>';
	 	             //then show file upload field for SignInSheet
	 	             echo '<input type="file" name="SignInSheet[]" size="50">';
       <td class="td_hint_form"></td>

We have an app that has been stable and working for the past two and half years till yesterday when we started receiving the following error:


The specified URL cannot be found


This is an app that allows users to enter comments and upload a file that accompanies the comments.


When you enter comments and click the submit button without uploading a file. Then no problem; everything works.


If however, you upload a file along with the comments, you get the above error message.

What is most interesting is that when you select a file to upload and click the upload button, it is not reaching the processing.php page.


We set up and configured php with IIS.


I am sure that whatever the problem is has to do with browser or IIS.


I have spent all yesterday afternoon and the all day today but could not figure out what the problem could be.


Your urgent assistance is greatly appreciated.

I am posting this code snippet although I don't think code is causing the problem.



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First, thanks for your response.


As stated, the only reason I even posted that code is because I am convinced code is not the issue.


I say this because when I add debugger to processing.php and click submit, it is not being reached.


I have had similar situation about 2 years ago when I started receiving directory not found error.


It turned out that I need to increase the size of file uploads in IIS and it solved the problem.


I am confident it is something similar except I don't know where to look.


I can dump all the thousands of code I have here but I don't think it is the code.

About switching away from IIS, I can begin to look into that but this is so urgent that my head is hurting the many calls and emails I have received so far from management which prompted me to ask for  help.

Edited by sonnieboy
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I have checked the error log and it is not showing me anything.


This issue has exactly the same attributes as the Directory Not Found error I alluded to.

So, because when I click the Submit button and it is not reaching the processing.php page, it is not possible to find anything on the server.


I have tried a file as small as 25kb and the error occurs.


I would add that as at 1:15PM tomorrow, they have been able to upload files.


Also, I have set the file limit to up to 2GB and in the past, they have been to upload to 200MB.

I cannot empty the folder because of the traffic on the site.


I can probably do that tonight around 11PM when the traffic is very limited of any and see what happens.


My gut tells me there is some additional IIS configuration I have to do to resolve this.


I just don't know what to look for.

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