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Wrapping an object in a method


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I have a class for streaming text.  My question has nothing to do with this particular, but how to modify an object.  Originally, I had functionality to deal JSON, but decided to remove that functionality as I felt it didn't belong there.  The class now looks like the following:

namespace Server;

use Evenement\EventEmitterInterface;
use Evenement\EventEmitterTrait;
use React\Stream\DuplexStreamInterface;

class LengthPrefixStream implements EventEmitterInterface {
    use EventEmitterTrait;

    private $socket=false,

    public function __construct(DuplexStreamInterface $socket){
        $this->socket = $socket;
        $this->socket->on('data', function($data){
            $this->buffer .= $data;

    public function send($message){
        //Still need to implement drain
        if($this->isConnected()) {
            $this->socket->write(pack("V", strlen($message)).$message);
            return true;
        else {
            return false;

    private function parseBuffer(){
        do {
            $checkAgain = false;
            $bufferLength = strlen($this->buffer);
            $length = unpack('Vlen', substr($this->buffer, 0, 4))['len'];
            if($bufferLength >= $length + 4){
                $this->emit('data', [substr($this->buffer, 4, $length)]);
                $this->buffer = substr($this->buffer, $length+4);
                $checkAgain = strlen($this->buffer)>=4;
        } while ($checkAgain);

    public function isConnected()
        return $this->socket?true:false;

    public function close()

I use it something like this:

    protected function sendCommand($text)
        $data = false;
        $loop = new \React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop();
        $socket = new \React\SocketClient\TimeoutConnector(new \React\SocketClient\TcpConnector($loop), 15, $loop);
        $socket->create($this->host['url'], $this->host['port'])->then(function($stream) use (&$data, $loop, $text){
            $client = new \DataLogger\Server\LengthPrefixStream($stream);
            $client->on('data', function($data) use (&$data, $loop, $stream){
                //Passed by reference $data will be set.  Maybe need to use a separate variable?
        return $data;   //False on failure

But now I wish to send and return variables other than text, and will need to convert them to JSON.


I still don't wish to put this functionality in the class.  Furthermore, I use this class more than one place, so don't wish to duplicate the JSON conversion and checking that it is valid JSON each time.


I am thinking I might be able to wrap the object in another method.

//$client = new \DataLogger\Server\LengthPrefixStream($stream);
$client = $this->wrapClient(new \DataLogger\Server\LengthPrefixStream($stream));
protected function wrapClient($client)
    Turn messages sent into JSON and verify that it is valid.
    Turn responses received into JSON and verify that it is valid.

But I am kind of at a lose where to go next.


Any suggestions?

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Or maybe I should be wrapping it not in a method, but another class?  The send() method seems okay, but not the on() method.
The reason I tried to get away from having the json scope in the LengthPrefixStream class is I wish to log json errors, and didn't want to pass a logger into a generic class.  Guess I will need to do the same if I use this approach...
$client = new wrapClient(new \DataLogger\Server\LengthPrefixStream($stream));
class wrapClient
    public function __construct($client){
        $this->client = $client;
    public function send($msg)

    public function on($msg)
        $o = json_decode($msg);
        if (json_last_error() != JSON_ERROR_NONE){
            $rsp='ERROR: Invalid JSON provided';
        return o;


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Your wrapping class sounds more or less like my JSONStream class from an earlier example.


Almost...  Yours worked!


Maybe I put the on method in the constructor like you did.


Or maybe I just go back to putting this json functionality in the class like you did, and pass back some message if json isn't valid.

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