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Command line error logging

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NEVERMIND.  Bonehead mistake with file permissions...


Trying to get PHP7 up and going.  Also, going between Centos6 to Centos7.  phpinfo displays the following.


diplay_errors off
display_startup_errors off
error_liog /var/www/php.log
error_reporting 22527
log_errors on
On the command line, I ran testing.php which includes a call to a function that doesn't exist.
the error is echo'd as I expected, but is not sent to /var/www/php.log.
Any thoughts why not?
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How can you expect an error message when you've disable display_errors? This sounds like you're looking at the wrong configuration.

php -i | grep error_log

Also, are you sure the process even has write access to the file? I'd be surprised if you're running a CLI script under the webserver account.

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