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SQL Injection prevention


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Hi Guys,


Could someone please let me know how to change the below code so that there cannot be any SQL injections ?




if(isset($_POST['detail'], $_POST['name'])) {
                   $name = $_POST["name"]; 
                   $detail = $_POST["detail"]; 
                   for ($i=0; $i<count($detail); $i++){
                                                   $lenofi = count($detail[$i]);
                                  for ($j=0; $j<$lenofi; $j++){
                                                  $valofj[$i][$j] = $detail[$i][$j];
                                                              if ($j>1){
                                                                          $lenofj = count($detail[$i][$j]);
                                                                                for ($k=0; $k<$lenofj; $k++){
                                                                                                       $sql = "INSERT INTO dimensionlevel (name, text, descr, lid, lval) VALUES ('".$name."','".$valofj[$i][0]."','".$valofj[$i][1]."','".$k."','".$detail[$i][$j][$k]."')";
                                                                            if(!( mysqli_query( $mysqli, $sql ) )) {
                                                                                  echo mysqli_error($mysqli);
                                                                             else echo "success";
   }     else
echo "Something is wrongggg !!!!";
Thanks :)
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Psycho already told you in your last thread that stuffing all data into a single Excel-spreadsheet-style table is wrong, yet that's exactly what you're doing now. Do you not read the replies in your threads?


The data structures and code also need a major readability update. A triple-nested loop, cryptic variables and numerically indexed data have turned this simple task into a rather painful experience.

  • Use foreach loops to iterate over arrays. There's no need to mess with for loops and indexes.
  • Use associative arrays for complex data. Array elements like $item['name'] and $item['description'] are far more clear than constantly having to remember what $item[0] and $item[1] meant.
  • Use meaningful variable names, not “lenofi” or “valofj”.
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You could start with deleting that code and using PDO with prepared statements. That's how we do it in 2017. Here is a good tutorial to get you going. 




Thanks for the advice. I want to know is it bad to use mysqli ?




Psycho already told you in your last thread that stuffing all data into a single Excel-spreadsheet-style table is wrong, yet that's exactly what you're doing now. Do you not read the replies in your threads?


The data structures and code also need a major readability update. A triple-nested loop, cryptic variables and numerically indexed data have turned this simple task into a rather painful experience.

  • Use foreach loops to iterate over arrays. There's no need to mess with for loops and indexes.
  • Use associative arrays for complex data. Array elements like $item['name'] and $item['description'] are far more clear than constantly having to remember what $item[0] and $item[1] meant.
  • Use meaningful variable names, not “lenofi” or “valofj”.



Yes I read his comment but still i felt like single table is fine in my scenario as there won't be any duplicates. Correct me if I am wrong. And thanks for the advice regarding loops and variable naming convention, I will check it out and come back to you if i succeed or have any other queries.

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Thanks for the advice. I want to know is it bad to use mysqli ?


It wouldn't be bad if people used it correctly, but virtually nobody does that.


mysqli is a hardcore low-level interface which requires an extensive study of the manual and very careful programming. In all the mysqli code I've read on this forum (including yours), I haven't even seen an attempt at doing that. mysqli seems to be mostly abused as a cheap replacement for the old mysql_* functions, so its users get none of the benefits and all of the old problems (SQL injection vulnerabilities, leaking of error messages etc.).


PDO takes a far more realistic approach. It pretty much assumes that PHP programmers are lazy, so it provides an intuitive high-level API which doesn't require you to read the entire manual (but you still have to learn PDO, of course).


As a bonus, PDO works for all mainstream database systems, not just mysqli. So you avoid the vendor lock-in.




Yes I read his comment but still i felt like single table is fine in my scenario as there won't be any duplicates. Correct me if I am wrong.


You're wrong. See the other thread.

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