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One variable works, same value fetched doesn't


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I have a very strange problem.

If I give a variable a value, such as $st=g1-9, the piece of code I have will work perfectly.

This variable is then used to complete a  command to fetch data from a table.


However if I use $st = $_GET['q']; instead of above, to assign SAME VALUE to $st, i.e. "g1-9', then the  nothing gets fetched.


It sounds extremely weird.


Here is the code:





$st = $_GET['q']; // $st fetched this way is not working even if it can be verified by line below



echo "st is ".$st;

//$st="g1-9"; // However, if I use this line instead of above, then everything works fine




$stmt2 = $pd->prepare("SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE part_number = :pn" );








$row = $stmt2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);






$c=$row["price_each1"];//  price for single item




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Do a var_dump() instead of a simple echo. Check both the content and the length information. Just because the input looks fine at first sight doesn't mean it actually contains the right characters (could be a hidden space somewhere, a dash instead of hyphen etc.)


Doing an actual comparison also helps

var_dump( $st === 'g1-9' );
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@Guru You are an absolute geniusI had this question on other forums with full codes from other PHP files and jQuery and none of them spotted it.

Since the file was copied from a another tutorial, the final variable included some extra information that when I ECHO'd it,  it only showed the string part of it. I had my head scratching for days. You are a star. The actual data contained 'string(6) " G1-9" '.


 Many thanks. 

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