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synonyms search engine


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Hi all :)


first sorry for my bad english.


i have a problem because i dont know how to create a synonyms search engine


if i create a simple search like 1 , 2  or more words is not dificult , the dificult for me is when the user enter another word when the database no contain this , in that case i wanna know how anothers search engine compare that word with anothers synonyms or how they really works.


example if i search " run " but the database dont have that word , but have " sprint " , is a synonyms

or if search another word when they not have in the database to compare with the query, but yes have a synonyms for that word


i can't sleep this night thinking how the search engine do that , i read all night documentation about php and mysql and nothing =(

i only read a interesting answer when then say " you can use a library like sphinx " , really i dont know how to do that in my simple search, if anyone know who to do

if i need to read much documentation, no problem with that , but i really need help , i think i need a api , but i dont know what api


I appreciate all kinds of help

thanks and sorry for my bad english again =S

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Most search engines do not know that "run" and "sprint" mean the same thing. The good ones will know that "run", "runs", and "running" are the same because of stemming.


If they do know about run/sprint then that's because the engine has a database that says the two words are similar. There is no API to get that information - it was programmed in manually or learned through AI.

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thanks for the answer , now i know is stemming and i learn about that , but really i think if i pas manualy the dictionary and i create the synonyms is a lot of time for my work =S



now i thinking if wordpress search plugins or a search engine free have this stemming included , wordpress search i think dont have this , but if the plugin or another search engine have this stemming in free code i can edited that and use for when i need


you know a search engine free code with stemming to recommend me ?

pd : sorry my bad english =S

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Stemming isn't normally a database you can just plug in. It's often more complicated, like rules for how words can be broken down, and they will only make sense to the programs that the rules are designed for.


Besides, stemming does not help you with the main problem of synonyms. You can use stemming to turn "running" to "run", but I don't know of any source you can use that can turn "run" into "sprint".

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hi barand :


i see that thesaurus sometimes but i dont know if when i use that api i can manipulate the result to compare with anyone i need


example if i need " run " and they have " running " or anyone else that's nice , but if the result about that query i can't manipulate i can not use "running" to my proposite to compare with something


if is that case they not work for me , because a need to manipulate the results of words to create a better search in my web page , now i am reading how it's work


if i wrong and i can manipulate the result of any word, i think can use that , in other case if they works i need think how to pas that result to spanish but that is not the problem now


sorry for my bad english, and thanks for read

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