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Extracting specific data from xml


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Hey guys, I have the following xml from which I’d like to extract the <name> followed by the  <level> and <card_id> values from the last <upgrade> element within each <unit> elements



name = Infantry, level = 3, card id = 3

name = Bazooka Marine, level = 3, card id = 351

name = Anvil, level = 6, card id = 421

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <name>Bazooka Marine</name>
      <skill id="pierce" x="1" />
         <skill id="pierce" x="2" />
      <skill id="protect" x="1" y="2" />
      <skill id="rally" x="1" y="2" />
         <skill id="protect" x="1" y="2" />
         <skill id="rally" x="2" y="2" />
         <skill id="protect" x="2" y="2" />
         <skill id="rally" x="2" y="2" />
         <skill id="protect" x="2" y="2" />
         <skill id="rally" x="3" y="2" />
         <skill id="protect" x="3" y="2" />
         <skill id="rally" x="3" y="2" />

I can to extract all the names levels and card id’s with the code below… how do I restrict the results... can anyone help?

$xmlSource = simplexml_load_file("cards_section_1.xml");
            foreach ($xmlSource->unit as $units) {
          "<p>the card ID for %s at level one is %d.</p>",
     if (isset($units->upgrade)) {
         foreach ($units->upgrade as $unitsUpgrade) {
         "<p>the card ID for %s at level %d is %s.</p>",
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the last element within each elements

Try not to rely on something being the first or last in a set: that could change at any time (probably won't) and your code would break.


What you really want is the final upgrade for the unit, right? The with the highest ?

$level = 0;
$upgrade = null;
foreach ($units->upgrade as $unitsUpgrade) {
	$l = (int)$unitsUpgrade->level;
	if ($l > $level) {
		$upgrade = $unitsUpgrade;
		$level = $l;
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