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you would need to set the fields to Fulltext and then you could do somthing like this

Then maybe something like this would work:
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT field1,field2,
MATCH(field1,field2)AGAINST('%$var%' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
AS score
FROM table_name
MATCH(field1,field2)AGAINST('%$var%' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ORDER BY score");
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Here is a more detailed example of what you are (hopefully) looking for:

//Define your search keyword(s)
$search = 'eggs';

//Escape special chars for use in a SQL statement
$search_word = mysql_real_escape_string ($search);

//Build SQL query
$sql = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM `db_table` WHERE `field_1` LIKE '%{$search_word}%' OR `field_2` LIKE '%{$search_word}%' OR `field_3` LIKE '%{$search_word}%'";

//Run SQL query
$result = mysql_query ($sql);

//Check if query was successfull
if (!$result)
  echo "Could not successfully run query ({$sql}) from DB: " . mysql_error();

//Get number of found rows
$count = mysql_fetch_assoc (mysql_query ('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as `total`'));

//Check if we have results
if ($count['total'] > 0)
  echo '<table>';

  //Loop through each found row
  while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result))
      echo '<tr>

  echo "</table>";
  //No results found, display error msg
  echo 'No results found!';


The use boolean search and fulltext fields like "[b]The Little Guy[/b]" suggested in the post above, you will need at least MySQL v4.0.1 to add fulltext indexes (since v3.23.23) and the boolean modifier available. I found out there are some providers that have it disabled for a reason or another. A boolean search will give you "better" results but usually less, I would use it over the regular search option.

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