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Help to amend the 'number format' existing PHP code to show coma (') on thousands


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I am currently using a theme in WP which is displaying property values not in the right way. We need to have value amounts on thousands (comas on thousands). In other words properties are shown as £5000000 instead of being shown as £5,000,000. 

We tried unsuccessfully to customize php code, the code at line #260 of the file but did not work!: File is stored as the address as below and is showing as below 


Would anyone kindly advice us on this subject?

Awaiting a reply - With Kind Regards:

Below is the part of the file which need to be amended:


public function num_format($num) {

            $wp_rem_number = number_format((float) $num, 0, '.', '');
            return $wp_rem_number;


and attached is the entire file


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Just received the file for the missing currency symbol in need to be amended
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Please find the file (https://1drv.ms/b/s!AosCdzSzicUwo0S1xo63qZ8XTzhC) it has been retrieved from the following address:

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If all you are asking for is to provide a proper edit for your numbers did you try looking up the number_format function (that was provided earlier) in the php manual?




PS - we don't DO donations on this forum. We also don't work for hire. Try the other forum on this site if you're looking for paid help.

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