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Maybe a simple fix.


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Hi guys,


So I'm fairly new to PHP and someone made a script for me a while ago and made me pay up front etc and I'm in the dumps and have a major issue or simple issue, I don't know, I don't want to hire ANOTHER freelancer to drop me in the dumps again and not respond to my emails or anything like that, again.


So the issue I'm having here is; I'm receiving this error;


"Warning: Declaration of thread::canView($id, $username, $powerLevel) should be compatible with forum::canView($id, $rank) in /*************/structure/forum.thread.php on line 0"


In every Forum catagory I made on my test site.


This is the full corresponding code in question:

 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~
 * @FILE DESCRIPTION: For threads
 * @LAST MODIFIED: June 5, 2012

class thread extends forum
{ 		public function retrieveThreads($start, $per_page, $f) {		return $this->database->processQuery("SELECT `id`,`title`,`username`,`lastpost`,`date`,`lastposter`,`sticky`,`lock`,`hidden`,`moved` FROM `threads` WHERE `parent` = ? ORDER BY `sticky` DESC, `lastpost` DESC LIMIT $start,$per_page", array($f), true);	}
     * @METHOD  checkExistence
     * @DESC    check if the thread exists
    public function checkExistence($id)
        $this->database->processQuery("SELECT * FROM `threads` WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1", array($id), false);
        return ($this->database->getRowCount() == 1) ? $x = true : $x = false;
     * @METHOD  canView
     * @DESC    checks if the user has permissions to see thread
    public function canView($id, $username, $powerLevel)
        //extract thread details
        $thread = $this->database->processQuery("SELECT `parent`,`hidden` FROM `threads` WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1", array($id), true);
        $canSee = true;

        //get the parent's type
        $parent = $this->database->processQuery("SELECT `type` FROM `forums` WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1", array($thread[0]['parent']), true);

        if($parent[0]['type'] > 2)
            //if it's a protected forum, make sure they are the thread owner or staff in order to view
            if($parent[0]['type'] == 3 && ($username != $thread[0]['username'] && $powerLevel < 3)) $canSee = false;
            //forum moderator forum, let only moderators view it
            if($parent[0]['type'] == 4 && $powerLevel < 3) $canSee = false;

            //administrator forum, let only administrators see it
            if($parent[0]['type'] == 5 && $powerLevel < 4) $canSee = false;
            //member forum, let only members see it
            if($parent[0]['type'] == 6 && !isset($_COOKIE['user'])) $canSee = false;

        //only let staff view hidden threads
        if($thread[0]['hidden'] == 1 && $powerLevel < 3) $canSee = false;
        return $canSee;
     * @METHOD  coverThread
     * @DESC    hides the thread (users can still visit, though)
    public function coverThread($id, $rank)
        //extract current status of post
        $status = $this->database->processQuery("SELECT `status` FROM `threads` WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1", array($id), true);
        if($rank > 2) $this->database->processQuery("UPDATE `threads` SET `status` = ? WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1", array(($status[0]['status'] == 0) ? 1 : 0, $id), false);
     * @METHOD  Thread
     * @DESC    hides the thread
    public function hideThread($id, $rank)
        //extract current status of post
        $status = $this->database->processQuery("SELECT `hidden` FROM `threads` WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1", array($id), true);
        if($rank > 2) $this->database->processQuery("UPDATE `threads` SET `hidden` = ? WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1", array(($status[0]['hidden'] == 0) ? 1 : 0, $id), false);
     * @METHOD  lock
     * @DESC    locks a thread
    public function lock($id, $rank = 0)
        //make sure it exists
        $thread = $this->database->processQuery("SELECT `lock` FROM `threads` WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1", array($id), true);

		//take action if they are staff
        if($this->database->getRowCount() == 1 && $rank > 2) $this->database->processQuery("UPDATE `threads` SET `lock` = ? WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1", array(($thread[0]['lock'] == 1) ? $do = 0 : $do = 1,$id), false);
     * @METHOD  escalate
     * @DESC    function for mods to get an admin to quickly see thread
     * @DESC    only escalate if not already escalated
    public function escalate($id, $rank, $reason)
        if(!$this->isEscalated($id) && $rank > 2) $this->database->processQuery("UPDATE `threads` SET `escalated` = 1, `reason` = ? WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1", array($reason, $id), false);
     * @METHOD  isEscalated
     * @DESC    checks if the thread is escalated
    public function isEscalated($id)
        $thread = $this->database->processQuery("SELECT `escalated` FROM `threads` WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1", array($id), true);
        return ($thread[0]['escalated'] == 1) ? true : false;
     * @METHOD  canReply
     * @DESC    checks if the user is allowed to reply
    public function canReply($id, $powerLevel)
        //extract thread details
        $thread = $this->database->processQuery("SELECT `lock`,`moved` FROM `threads` WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1", array($id), true);
        //return if they can reply or not
        return (($thread[0]['lock'] == 1 && $powerLevel < 3) || !empty($thread[0]['moved']) || !isset($_COOKIE['user'])) ? $canReply = false : $canReply = true;
     * @METHOD  preTitle
     * @DESC    get the lock/sticky icon before the thread's title 
     * @PARAM   $rank       rank of the user viewing
     * @PARAM   $location   where the user is at (viewforum.php/viewthread.php)
    public function preTitle($id, $rank, $location = 1)
        $data = $this->database->processQuery("SELECT `lock`,`sticky` FROM `threads` WHERE `id` = ?", array($id), true);
        $extra = '';
        if($rank > 2 && $location == 0) $extra .= '<input type="checkbox" name="selection[]" value="'. $id .'"> <img src="../img/forum/modify.png" id="thread-'. $id .'"> ';
        if($data[0]['sticky'] == 1) $extra .= '<i class="fa fa-sticky-note"></i> ';
        if($data[0]['lock'] == 1) $extra .= '<i class="fa fa-lock"></i> ';
        return $extra;
     *@METHOD   hasReplies
     *@DESC     returns number of replies
    public function getReplies($id)
        $this->database->processQuery("SELECT * FROM `posts` WHERE `thread` = ?", array($id), false);
        return $this->database->getRowCount();
     * @METHOD  getPostType
     * @DESC    gets the type of the post to display (like hidden, fmod, etc)
     * @PARAM   $id : id of the thread
     * @PARAM   $status : status (hidden/public) of the thread
     * @PARAM   $rank : the rank of the user that posted it
    public function getPostType($status, $creator, $hide = false, $highlight = false)
        $data = $this->database->processQuery("SELECT `acc_status`,`donator` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = ? LIMIT 1", array($creator), true);
        $rank = $data[0]['acc_status'];
        if($status == 1)
            $type = 'message hid';
            $type = 'message moved';
        elseif($data[0]['donator'] == 1 && $rank < 2)
            $type = 'message donator';
            $included = ($highlight) ? 'msghighlight' : null; 
                case 3:
                    $type = 'message mod '. $included;
                case 4:
                    $type = 'message jmod '. $included;
                    //$type = 'message '. (($_COOKIE['halloween_theme'] == 'true') ? 'halloween' : '') . $included; HALLOWEEN
                    $type = 'message '. $included;
        return $type;
     * @METHOD  getPageNum
     * @DESC    gets the page of the specifided post
     * @PARAM   $post       the id of the post (NOT THREAD) we'll be going to
     * @PARAM   $thread     the id of the thread
     * @PARAM   $per_page   derp
    public function getPageNum($post, $thread, $per_page = 10)
        //make sure the selected post exists
        $this->database->processQuery("SELECT * FROM `posts` WHERE `thread` = ? AND `id` = ? LIMIT 1", array($thread, $post), false);
        if($this->database->getRowCount() == 1)
            //get number of results
            $thread = $this->database->processQuery("SELECT * FROM `posts` WHERE `thread` = ? ORDER BY `id` ASC", array($thread), true);

            //place holders
            $i = 0; //the position of post
            $x = 0; //0 = not found : 1 = found

            while($x == 0)
                if($thread[$i]['id'] == $post) $x = 1;
            return ceil($i/$per_page);
             return false;
     * @METHOD  formatPost
     * @DESC    converts text to smileys, adds forum quotes, filters/cleans post, add signatures
    public function formatPost($content, $username, base $base, user $user, forum $forum = null)
        $config = $base->loadConfig();
        //get the rank of the user
        $rank = $user->getRank($username);
        $donator = $user->isDonator($username);
        //username of viewer
        $viewer = $user->getUsername($_COOKIE['user'], 2);
        //users & fmods
        if($rank < 2)
            //apply filter for USERS if the forum variable is set
            if(!is_null($forum) && $rank < 3) $forum->filter($content);
            //remove HTML
            $content = htmlentities($content);
        //youtube bbcode is seperate from other bbcodes, because only the youtube bbcodes can be toggled on/off for members
        if($rank > 1 || $config['bbcode_members']) $content = preg_replace('#\[youtube\](.+?)\[\/youtube\]#', '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/$1?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>', $content);
        //show content within [donator] tags only to donators
        $content = preg_replace('#\[donator\](.+?)\[\/donator\]#is', ($user->isDonator($viewer) || $user->getRank($viewer) > 1) ? '<div class="donor_only"><center><font color="00FFFF">Donator Only</font></center><br/>$1</div>' : '<i>This content can only be seen by donators.</i>', $content);
        $content = preg_replace(array('#@(\d{1,1}-\d{1,1}-\d{4,4}-\d{5,5})#i', '#:iloveyou:#i', '#:pumpkin:#i'), array('<a href="jump.php?qfc=$1">$1</a>', '<img src="../img/forum/smileys/heart.png" width="15" height="15">', '<img src="../img/forum/smileys/pumpkin.png" width="15" height="15">'), $content);
        //now let's do BBCode for mods and admins
        if($rank > 2 || $donator)
            //bcode and some smileys
            $bbcode = array('#\[b\](.+?)\[\/b\]#i', '#\[i\](.+?)\[\/i\]#i', '#\[url=(.+?)](.+?)\[\/url\]#i', '#\[u\](.+?)\[\/u\]#i', '#:lolbert:#i', '#\[img\](.+?)\[\/img\]#i', '#:donator:#i', '#:cheken:#i');
            $replace = array('<b>$1</b>', '<i>$1</i>', '<a href="$1">$2</a>', '<u>$1</u>', '<img src="../img/forum/smileys/lolbert.png">', '<img src="$1" border="0">', '<img src="../img/forum/smileys/blue_partyhat.gif" width="15" height="15">', '<img src="../img/forum/smileys/cheken.png" width="15" height="15">');
            $content = preg_replace($bbcode, $replace, $content);
            if($rank == 4)
                    //convert QUOTE BBcode to actual HTML format
                    $content = stripslashes(preg_replace('/\[quote\=(.+?)](.+?)\[\/quote\]/s', '<blockquote>
<h5><strong>Original Post</strong> - Posted by: <strong>$1</strong></h5>

', $content)); 
        //add smileys
            $text = array(':)', ';)', ':P', ':(', ':|', 'O_o', ':D', '^^', ':O', ':@');
            $smileys = array('<img src="../img/forum/smileys/smile.gif">', 
            '<img src="../img/forum/smileys/wink.gif">', 
            '<img src="../img/forum/smileys/tongue.gif">', 
            '<img src="../img/forum/smileys/sad.gif">', 
            '<img src="../img/forum/smileys/nosmile.gif">', 
            '<img src="../img/forum/smileys/o.O.gif">', 
            '<img src="../img/forum/smileys/bigsmile.gif">', 
            '<img src="../img/forum/smileys/^^.gif">',
            '<img src="../img/forum/smileys/shocked.gif">', 
            '<img src="../img/forum/smileys/angry.gif">');
                $signature = $user->getSignature($username);
                if($rank > 3){
                    $content = $content.((strlen($signature) > 0) ? '<br/><br/>'.$user->getSignature($username) : '');
		return $content = stripslashes(str_replace($text, $smileys, $content));
    public function getActionBar($rank, $id, $forum)
        //check if the post is already reported
        $this->database->processQuery("SELECT * FROM `reports` WHERE `reported` = ?", array($id.':t'), true);
        $report = ($this->database->getRowCount() >= 1) ? '<span style="color:#C0C0C0">Report</span>' : '<a href="report.php?forum='. $forum .'&id='. $id. '&type=2">Report</a>';
        //set the base url
        $base_url = '?forum='. $forum .'&id='. $id;
        //display their action bar
            case 1:
            case 2:
                $bar = $report;
            case 3:
                $bar = '<a href="edit.php'. $base_url .'&type=2">Edit</a>';
            case 4:
                $bar = '<div class="button invert"><a href="reply.php'. $base_url .'&quote='. $id .'&qt=2">Quote</a> | <a href="edit.php'. $base_url .'&type=2">Edit</a></div>';
        return $bar;
    public function bumpThread($id, $username)
        $thread = $this->database->processQuery("SELECT `username` FROM `threads` WHERE `id` = ? LIMIT 1", array($id), true);
        if($thread[0]['username'] == $username) $this->database->processQuery("UPDATE `threads` SET `lastbump` = ? WHERE `id` = ?", array(time(), $id), false);


If anybody is to help me I will be very very greatful for any advice and help to reassure the issue.

If you'd like to see the horrible mess I've been left with, then please message me :).






I know the website probably has other bugs but this is coming to me as a "Major NEED" to sort out as soon as I can, I paid for a custom forum for my website to be created on, however that's gone pair-shaped.

Edited by mynewcar
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