thenorman138 Posted March 3, 2018 Share Posted March 3, 2018 I have a query where I'm selecting records from DB2 database and storing the values in an array: $orderIdsStr = "'" . implode("', '", $order_ids) . "'"; //SELECT FROM DB2 WITH THE ORDER NUMBERS FIRST $query = "SELECT invnoc as INVOICE, cstnoc AS DEALER, framec AS FRAME, covr1c AS COVER, colr1c AS COLOR , extd2d AS SHIPDATE, orqtyc AS QUANTITY FROM GPORPCFL WHERE invnoc IN ({$orderIdsStr}) GROUP BY invnoc,cstnoc, slsnoc, orqtyc, framec, covr1c,colr1c, extd2d ORDER BY invnoc asc LIMIT 35"; $Db2ShipRslt = odbc_exec($DB2Conn, $query); if ( $Db2ShipRslt === false ) { exit (odbc_errormsg($DB2Conn)); } //Process the results $Db2ShipArr = array(); while($db2ShipRow = odbc_fetch_array($Db2ShipRslt)){ { //Output the record print_r($db2ShipRow); /*This prints the correct Rows*/ //Append record to results array $Db2ShipArr[] = $db2ShipRow; } And this works, pulling correct records and storing them properly. I also have an insert that works properly (it inserts the exact number of records and appropriate values). BUt I'm wondering how I can apply a certain condition to the insert and I've never had to do this. My select grabs a value called ```orqtyc``` as alias ```QUANTITY``` and I insert those values to my mysql ```placements_new``` table in a column called ```locations```. This is appropriate but I'd also like to be able to have it insert each record a number of times equal to that value. Basically ```if row is < :QUANTITY , keep inserting until the record is inserted n times, n being :QUANTITY value```. So if ```:QUANTITY``` = 3, that same record should be inserted 3 times. Technically there would be duplicates but this way each row has it's own set of dates. Again, the select/insert both work and the arrays return what I need. All I need some help with is how to make the insert write the number of rows = to the quantity value. Here's the other part where the insert takes place: foreach($Db2ShipArr as $Db2Ship){ /*THIS IS THE PROBLEM AREA*/ if($rows < :QUANTITY, INSERT n = :QUANTITY){ //INSERT # of records equal to QUANTITY $stmt = $PDO->prepare(" INSERT IGNORE INTO placements_new (sku_id, group_id, dealer_id, start_date, expire_date, locations, order_num) SELECT id, sku_group_id, :DEALER, DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT(:SHIPDATE, CHAR(20)), '%Y-%m-%d'),INTERVAL 7 DAY) as start_date, DATE_ADD(DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT(:SHIPDATE, CHAR(20)), '%Y-%m-%d'),INTERVAL 127 DAY) as expire_date, :QUANTITY, :INVOICE FROM skus s WHERE s.frame=:FRAME AND s.cover1=:COVER AND s.color1=:COLOR "); $PDO->beginTransaction(); $i = 0; while($db2row = odbc_fetch_array($Db2ShipRslt)) { if(++$i % 1000 == 0) { $PDO->commit(); $PDO->beginTransaction(); } $stmt->execute($db2row); } $PDO->commit(); } } } } Here's the fiddle I made. so in this fiddle the record I've inserted for GPORPCFL would, through the php logic/looop, be inserted into placements_new 3 times, since 3 is the value of ```orqtyc```:!9/26b921 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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